Wednesday, July 30, 2008

msb-0333 Bee Serious

msb-0333 Bee Serious

Bee venom succes in MS treatment


Disclaimer! Disclaimer! Disclaimer!

MSBPodcast is "not" any kind of a medical podcast.

It is by and for MSers.

Its purpose is to keep us entertained, to explain our symptoms, to remark on our discoveries, and to raise the general consciousness about our disease.

The path to illness is shadowy, murky and rough strewn.

The path to wellness is lit by the lamp of knowledge.


I have a quick and easy, painless and not too figgin' nosy customer survey that I really, really, really need you to go and fill out.

You can go to my podcast "page" [ ], click on the button on the left hand side of the page and anonymously answer a few simple questions.

I really need this.


Feedback comes first, so...

OUCH! That's what I've got to say about MS bee sting therapy.

---- "Bees" by: "The Tunguska Event"

Feed Forward comes next, so...

This is "your" segment.

Say "your" piece on this segment.

Share with other MSers whatever "you" want to share.

Drop us an email: "charles at"

---- "Beesting" by: "Buildings Breeding"

Feed Me comes third, so...

Do you have a therapy, product, good or service that is of interest to MSers?

Consider advertising on this podcast.

Reminders on this segment only cost $0.03 per reminder per download of an episode. (A $30CPM targeted at MSers.)

It can/should lead to a full ad, in text, audio or video, which costs $3.00 per download.

That sounds expensive until you do the math and realize that if nobody downloads it it costs you nothing, unlike print, where you often can't even get an ad in to the specialized journals, or radio or TV where you'd just be wasting your money with the 0.0833% MSers rate of return. (That's about six times "below" the level of "statistical noise".)

But MSBPodcast is 100% in your market, and you only pay per download of your material.

No play, no pay.

Reach the MSers who would buy your therapy, product, good or service, with-out having to waste your advertising money on anyone who is "not" interested...

Send us an email at: "charles (at)"

---- "Tell It To The Bees" by: "Paul Melancon"


As Shauna pulls another "James Burke" on us, I'm going to sit back and be edified.

Dang but she's an interesting person.

---- "Bees and Flowers" by: "Duane Andrews"


Bee Ware

I have written before about things being connected. I am always looking for and/or finding connections between seemingly unrelated things. I did it again.

As you're probably aware, I like bugs. The social insects I find particularly interesting. Bees are one such creature. They do what's best for the hive, defending it from intruders, and if they're sick, they leave the hive so as not to spread disease. Bees have been in the news recently because of "Colony Collapse Disorder", whereby complete colonies of bees simply cease to exist. According to a recent PBS documentary, if something isn't done to alleviate the problem, by the year 2035 we may have to pollinate our own plants. There's a city in China, dependent on the pear crop, already doing that; it's a painstaking, long process to collect the pollen, dry it out, then individually pollinate every pear blossom to produce fruit.

Of course there are a number of agencies world wide looking into this CCD because results could mean a disaster on the world wide level. So what is making the bees disappear? Undoubtedly there are environmental factors, like global warming or wetter weather making life difficult for the bee. (A drenched bee is one of life's most pathetic creatures-it cannot fly until it dries off and is therefore vulnerable to any predator. That's the best time to pet one though, as they sit and wait.)

There are parasites that can cause problems for the bees, though on their own, the parasites don't seem to cause the wide scale bee loss that is being observed. There is also a fungus that bees get that seems to be contributing to the loss.

Some speculate that the mobile bee keepers who move their hives from field to field may be contributing to CCD, the bees gaining increased exposure to bees from other hives and with other parasites or diseases. Or that the movement is exposing more and more colonies to different pesticides and poisons.

But the most interesting (to me) possible cause of CCD is Israel Acute Paralysis Virus. It has been found in a great number of tested CCD colonies and while causation has not been proven, there appears to be a link.

In IAPV, the bee becomes sick, then paralyzed. Nature doesn't cope well when its creatures can't move, therefore they die. En mass. The virus can be transmitted by mites, those pesky little parasites. It would be akin to us getting Lyme disease from a tick.

One of the terms used in the PBS show I watched was "perfect storm". Heard that before. A perfect storm of events transpire to kill off the bees. Immune suppression because of parasite infestation, exposure to less than ideal circumstances in the environment, and onset of a virus. On their own, each circumstance is survivable and uneventful, but put all three together and you get the perfect storm resulting in CCD.

MS is much like CCD. We have a certain genetic makeup that makes our immune system go a little haywire, add to that less than ideal environment (perhaps not enough vitamin D), and exposure to a childhood illness, and bingo! MS. Each of those circumstances on their own probably don't cause MS, but put 'em together and you've got it.

I couldn't help but think of the connection between both these illnesses while watching the documentary. As we discover more and more about how our systems work with, and sometimes against, each other, we understand biology a little better. I just wish the discoveries came a little faster.


---- "Stickybee - INSTRUMENTAL" by: "Josh Woodward"


I'd add that it might be the immunity conveyed by somebody actually getting a childhood disease in childhood, like they're "supposed" to (instead of having a bacteriologist father who insisted that everything had to go on a "red hot" oven before it was allowed to go near the children,) or somebody actually getting disease which are nothing for a child to survive, but play merry Hell with adults. ("Measles anyone?")

I spent my infancy smothered in anticeptic, then I became very sickly as a child.

Maybe I wouldn't have been so sickly as a teenager, (my first undiagnosed attack was at 15,) never mind as an adult, if dad hadn't been so "gung ho" [ ] to shield me as an infant.

I think that that is one of the worst things about this disease.

You don't want to lay blame, but its always there: a "soupçon" [ ] of "what if."

---- "Spelling Bee Girl" by: "Man Bites God"


Monday, July 28, 2008

msb-0332 Some Days Ya Just Gotta To Hear S'm Blues

msb-0332 Some Days Ya Just Gotta To Hear S'm Blues

Billie Holiday - Strange Fruit


Disclaimer! Disclaimer! Disclaimer!

MSBPodcast is "not" any kind of a medical podcast.

It is by and for MSers.

Its purpose is to keep us entertained, to explain our symptoms, to remark on our discoveries, and to raise the general consciousness about our disease.

The path to illness is shadowy, murky and rough strewn.

The path to wellness is lit by the lamp of knowledge.


I have a quick and easy, painless and not too figgin' nosy customer survey that I really, really, really need you to go and fill out.

You can go to my podcast "page" [ ], click on the button on the left hand side of the page and anonymously answer a few simple questions.

I really need this.


Feedback comes first, so...

The title say it all.

Its friggin' hot over here and its just awful.

---- "Im Gonna Have A Drink" by: "Blacktownblues"

Feed Forward comes next, so...

This is "your" segment.

Say "your" piece on this segment.

Share with other MSers whatever "you" want to share.

Drop us an email: "charles at"

---- "One Drink Away From The Blues" by: "Mark Kerr"

Feed Me comes third, so...

Do you have a therapy, product, good or service that is of interest to MSers?

Consider advertising on this podcast.

Reminders on this segment only cost $0.03 per reminder per download of an episode. (A $30CPM targeted at MSers.)

It can/should lead to a full ad, in text, audio or video, which costs $3.00 per download.

That sounds expensive until you do the math and realize that if nobody downloads it it costs you nothing, unlike print, where you often can't even get an ad in to the specialized journals, or radio or TV where you'd just be wasting your money with the 0.0833% MSers rate of return. (That's about six times "below" the level of "statistical noise".)

But MSBPodcast is 100% in your market, and you only pay per download of your material.

No play, no pay.

Reach the MSers who would buy your therapy, product, good or service, with-out having to waste your advertising money on anyone who is "not" interested...

Send us an email at: "charles (at)"

---- "Over Drunk Blues" by: "Tony Guppy"


Some day I got to figure out why the blues resonate with practically anybody and everybody.

But its just a natchural fact.

---- "Drinkin' On Sunday Afternoon" by: "Patric Carlson & Bluebirds"


The head phones are too damn hot and sweaty to wear.

I just hooked up my speakers and, screw the neighbors.

I'm cranking 'em way up.

I'm just shutting up and letting the blues wash over me.

---- "Drinking My Last Dime" by: "Rusty Zinn"


Some days ya just got to hear s'm blues.

But then, you pray for a cool rain, so you get your life started again, when the winds die down.

---- "When the Winds Die Down" by: "Teresa James and The Rhythm Tramps"


Sunday, July 27, 2008

msb-fr-0022 Rire Jaune

msb-fr-0022 Rire Jaune

Non, Je N'ai Rien Oublié - Charles Aznavour


Désaveu! Désaveu! Désaveu!

MSBPodcast n'est pas aucune sorte de podcast médical.

Il est produit par et pour des SP'cimens.

Son but est de nous garder divertis, d'expliquer nos symptômes, de remarquer à propos de nos découvertes et d'élever la conscience générale envers notre maladie.

Le sentier à la maladie est ombragé, glauque et parsemé de rugueur.

Le sentier à la pleine forme est allumé par la lampe des connaissances.


J'ai un rapide et facile, sans peine et aussi pas si fouinard que ça formulaire d'enquête que j'ai vraiment, vraiment, vraiment besoin que vous alliez remplir.

Vous pouvez aller à ma page "podcast" [ ], cliquer sur le bouton du côté gauche de la page et répondre anonymement à quelques questions simples.

J'en ai vraiment besoin.


À Moi oûvre le programme...

Je suis confus. (Ce ne m'arrive pas trop souvent.)

Mais aujourd'hui j'ai des problèmes a rester sur pointe.

Et vous verrez pourqois j'ai choisi cette chanson pour accompagner cette épisode.

---- "Shit Out Of Luck" par: "Straightfork"

À Vous suit...

Ceci est votre segment.

Dite ce que vous voulez sur ce segment.

Faites part avec d'autre SPcimens n'importe quoi que vous voulez parteger.

Envoyez moi un courriel: "charles à"

---- "you dont mean shit to me" par: "sugar shack"

À L'aide est en troisième...

Avez-vous une thérapie, un produit, un bien ou un service qui est d'intérêt aux SP'cimen?

Considérez la publicité sur ce podcast.

Les mémentos sur ce segment coûtent seulement $0.03 par mémento par téléchargement d'une épisode. (Un $30CPM visé à SP'cimen.)

Il peut / devrait causer une annonce complète, en texte, audio ou vidéo, qui coûte $3.00 par téléchargement.

Cela semble cher jusqu'à ce que vous fassiez le calcul et vous vous rendiez compte que si personne ne le télécharge il ne vous coûte rien, à la différence de la presse, où vous ne pouvez pas souvent même placer une annonce dans aux journaux spécialisés, ou la radio ou la TV où vous gaspilleriez votre argent avec un taux de retour de 0.0833% de SP'cimen. (C'est environ six fois "au-dessous" du niveau "de bruit statistique".)

Mais MSBPodcast est 100 % dans votre marché et vous payez seulement par téléchargement de votre matériel.

L'enjeu en vaut la chandelle.

Atteignez les SP'cimens qui achèterait votre thérapie, produit, bien ou service, sans gaspiller votre argent de publicité sur quelqu'un qui n'est "pas" intéressé...

Envoyez moi un courriel: "charles à"

---- "I Dont Need Your Shit" par: "Deeper Than Blu"


On a tous des jours comme ca.

La confusion devient un mode de vie pour quelques heures et je suis oubligé de prendre une pause en attendant que je trouve l'étoile du nord et que je peu reprendre la navigation de mon voyage vers l'inévitable.

---- "Fuck That Shit, Tongue it" par: "flattstreet"


Il y a des aspects a cette maudite maladie qui sont franchement épeurant.

En plus des aspects physique, (la spasticitée, le manque de contrôle, [mais je me répète,] les sensations phantôme or simplement absentes,) la sclérose en plaques a des effects secondaires sur notre apareilage intellectuel.

Il mes déja arrivé d'ètre completement incapable de prendre une décision, aussi mineure soit elle.

Notre méchanisme de décision est délicat, étant situé dans le cortex cingulate antérieur et dans le cervelet.

J'ai malheuresement des lésions dans cette région de ma cervelle, qui rende les chose plutôt difficiles parfois. (Ces regions sont moin nécessaires a la vie quotidienne que l'on le penserai. Les préjugés sont véritable et véritablement necessaire a la vie. On ne prend pas des décisions a chaque minute de la journée. En fait, cette région se fatigue. Si on pousse trop fort on devien quasiment un imbécile en attendant que notre region du cortex cingulate antérieur refaisse ses forces.)

Heuresement je crois en la méthode scientifique, ce qui me donne un espèce de "Razoir d'Ockham" [ ] qui m'aide a prendre toutes ces décision sans me travailler trop les méninges.

Mais, c'est toujours "unsettling" quand c'a arrive.

---- "When I Get My Shit Together" par: "Noam Weinstein"


Il y a certain jours ou tout file bien. (La majeure partie, soyon honnête.)

Il a d'autre jours ou c'a devient fascinant de passer quelques heures en introspection, étant en mème temps l'observateur et l'object d'observation.

Heureusement pour mois, ces periodes sont très rélaxantes.

Il n'y a pas de decisions a prendre. :-)

---- "Shit Outta Luck" par: "Life Has Teeth"


Friday, July 25, 2008

msb-0331 Wrong, Col. Jessep

msb-0331 Wrong, Col. Jessep. I Can Handle The Truth.

Robert Newman's History of Oil (1 of 9)

Robert Newman's History of Oil (2 of 9)

Robert Newman's History of Oil (3 of 9)

Robert Newman's History of Oil (4 of 9)

Robert Newman's History of Oil (5 of 9)

Robert Newman's History of Oil (6 of 9)

Robert Newman's History of Oil (7 of 9)

Robert Newman's History of Oil (8 of 9)

Robert Newman's History of Oil (9 of 9)


Disclaimer! Disclaimer! Disclaimer!

MSBPodcast is "not" any kind of a medical podcast.

It is by and for MSers.

Its purpose is to keep us entertained, to explain our symptoms, to remark on our discoveries, and to raise the general consciousness about our disease.

The path to illness is shadowy, murky and rough strewn.

The path to wellness is lit by the lamp of knowledge.


I have a quick and easy, painless and not too figgin' nosy customer survey that I really, really, really need you to go and fill out.

You can go to my podcast "page" [ ], click on the button on the left hand side of the page and anonymously answer a few simple questions.

I really need this.


Feedback comes first, so...

I figured since I get some of you sitting in front of a computer for hours on end, you might as well learn something informative about the history of oil and of human conflict.

Enjoy all the YouTube links at the front of this podcast; if enjoy is what what I can really call it.

---- "LIke A Knife" by: "Secondhand Serenade"

Feed Forward comes next, so...

This is "your" segment.

Say "your" piece on this segment.

Share with other MSers whatever "you" want to share.

Drop us an email: "charles at"

---- "Jacknife" by: "The Revolutions"

Feed Me comes third, so...

Do you have a therapy, product, good or service that is of interest to MSers?

Consider advertising on this podcast.

Reminders on this segment only cost $0.03 per reminder per download of an episode. (A $30CPM targeted at MSers.)

It can/should lead to a full ad, in text, audio or video, which costs $3.00 per download.

That sounds expensive until you do the math and realize that if nobody downloads it it costs you nothing, unlike print, where you often can't even get an ad in to the specialized journals, or radio or TV where you'd just be wasting your money with the 0.0833% MSers rate of return. (That's about six times "below" the level of "statistical noise".)

But MSBPodcast is 100% in your market, and you only pay per download of your material.

No play, no pay.

Reach the MSers who would buy your therapy, product, good or service, with-out having to waste your advertising money on anyone who is "not" interested...

Send us an email at: "charles (at)"

---- "young knives" by: "The Trouble with Me"


Speaking of "handling the truth, Col. Jessep" ... I am still reeling, lurching drunkedly, (hey, I got MS, I know from reeling and lurching drunkedly, [without the benefit of any libation first,]) from the "pesto" I made yesterday (as I write this.)

Its summertime; the basil is growing like fragrant weeds on the farms 'round here; the markets smell mouth wateringly delicious; and I have "got" to get me a "Demiluna" knife because chopping all that basil by hand with a cleaver is a "major" hazard.

---- "Your Beauty is a Knife I Turn on my Throat" by: "Eagle Seagull"


Mankind has been playing with sharp things ever since some idiot cave-person, say "Ogg", threw a torn tree limb at some other idiot cave-person, say "Oog"'s, missed, it stuck into the ground, and they invented the earliest form of "mumbledepeg."

Apart from the accidental stabbings, jabbings and occasional crude amputations, disembowelments and decapitations, we've had a love affair with sharp things ever since. (We're freakin' idiot, I know.:-)

A good knife, is a "sharp" knife.

I suspect that most kitchen accidents not involving fire occur around a blade that is no longer sharp.

Sharpening knives used to be done by itinerant tradesmen who went around the town hauling their sharpening wheel and honing stones; drizzling their mineral oils over them as they put blade to stone, to turn a dull edge back into a razor.

Its a skill now lost to the people who go around with a stainless steel blade and think that "that"'s sharp.

By definition, it isn't sharp the time you use it. The stainless process coats the steel with layers of oxides that might help keep blade from tarnishing, but those very oxides make it impossible for a blade to stay sharp because they "fatten" the profile of the blade.

What's called "cutting" is really "fine hacking".

Most kitchen accidents involving blades happen when the hack just can't, uh, hack it. (I'm an ex-IT guy and believe me I know all "kinds" of hacking.)

Knives have to be forced, slip and go somewhere they have no business, like a finger.

A "sharp" knife is made of high carbon steel or ceramics.

A "sharp" knife is one that interjects its blade in between the fibers of whatever you are cutting. There is no "hacking." Cutting is an almost effortless process.

(Incidentally, cutting yourself with a sharp blade doesn't hurt anywhere as much as with a dull blade and the skin is quite ready to fuse itself back together. Band-Aids or sutures are for the mechanics of keeping the elements stable while the skin's own repair mechanism can handle the re-knitting. An injury with a dull blade causes the growth of "scar tissue" [and believe me, I have quite enough "sclera" to deal with already.])

The itinerant peddlers have gone so the responsibility now falls on the knife owner to keep his blades sharp.

That's why they sell all those "Ginsu" knives.

"Never Needs Sharpening" is a promise that's easy to keep.

"But will it stay sharp?" is a question that's easy to answer too.

Just look at the emergency room admission statistics for your town.

---- "we throw parties, you throw knives" by: "los campesinos"


I'm going shopping for some cutlery, 'cause I'm putting my food at risk, never mind my fingers, by using inadequate implements.

Any money you spend on quality cutlery is an investment that pays off, in the food you can prepare and in the blood-loss you can spare yourself. :-)

---- "Jackknife Judy" by: "The Sleepers"


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

msb-0330 Scotia, Nova Scotia and MS

msb-0330 Scotia, Nova Scotia and MS

The Who - My Generation (Marquee Club 1967)


Disclaimer! Disclaimer! Disclaimer!

MSBPodcast is "not" any kind of a medical podcast.

It is by and for MSers.

Its purpose is to keep us entertained, to explain our symptoms, to remark on our discoveries, and to raise the general consciousness about our disease.

The path to illness is shadowy, murky and rough strewn.

The path to wellness is lit by the lamp of knowledge.


I have a quick and easy, painless and not too figgin' nosy customer survey that I really, really, really need you to go and fill out.

You can go to my podcast "page" [ ], click on the button on the left hand side of the page and anonymously answer a few simple questions.

I really need this.


Feedback comes first, so...

The "Wiki" [ ] is sort of a wrapper around the "podcast site" [ ] which was itself a wrapper around the original "blog site" [ ], and if a new way of reaching people, I may very well wrapper around the wiki. :-)

Keeping lines of communications open is what's its all about.

That's why I Twitter [ ].

---- "Scots Wae Hae" by: "Ken Campbel"

Feed Forward comes next, so...

This is "your" segment.

Say "your" piece on this segment.

Share with other MSers whatever "you" want to share.

Drop us an email: "charles at"

---- "Medley of Scots Tunes" by: "Rachel Barton Pine, violinist"

Feed Me comes third, so...

Do you have a therapy, product, good or service that is of interest to MSers?

Consider advertising on this podcast.

Reminders on this segment only cost $0.03 per reminder per download of an episode. (A $30CPM targeted at MSers.)

It can/should lead to a full ad, in text, audio or video, which costs $3.00 per download.

That sounds expensive until you do the math and realize that if nobody downloads it it costs you nothing, unlike print, where you often can't even get an ad in to the specialized journals, or radio or TV where you'd just be wasting your money with the 0.0833% MSers rate of return. (That's about six times "below" the level of "statistical noise".)

But MSBPodcast is 100% in your market, and you only pay per download of your material.

No play, no pay.

Reach the MSers who would buy your therapy, product, good or service, with-out having to waste your advertising money on anyone who is "not" interested...

Send us an email at: "charles (at)"

---- "Molly Malone... Cats Perspective/Planxty Hewlett" by: "-MARC GUNN - Irish Scottish Folk Songs"


Shauna delves into ethnographics, geo-politics, and poses a surprising question at the end.

Well, "I" was surprised. :-)

---- "Scott Bakula" by: "Sunspot"


Scotland, Nova Scotia and MS

As Canadians and Nova Scotians, we celebrate our heritage and our culture and our ties to the "old country". Food, music, dance, and literature are common things we share. Who in Nova Scotia hasn't heard of Robbie Burns or danced to a Scottish reel? The other thing we share is Multiple Sclerosis.

55,000 - 75,000 people in Canada have Multiple Sclerosis. In Atlantic Canada alone, we have 5,000 - one of the highest rates in the country. The MS Society in Scotland estimates 10,500 people have MS in Scotland. Based on recent population statistics, the two countries are almost equal in incidence of MS.

One of the big questions is why? Well, the geographical incidence of MS increases the further away from the equator you get. For example, Mexico has a population of 90 million, 15,000 of whom have MS. We have one third the population, but more than three times the incidence of MS. Canada and Scotland are quite far away from Mexico, yet, per capita, have a much higher incidence of MS.

Where did people from Scotland and other northern European areas settle when they left their home country? Many came to Canada. Early on they settled in Nova Scotia and branched out from there.

The ethnocultural portrait of Canada's provinces and territories reflects both the historical and current settlement patterns of the different waves of immigration to the country.

After Canadian, the other most frequently reported origins in 2006, either alone or with other origins, were English, French, Scottish, Irish, German, Italian, Chinese, North American Indian and Ukrainian.

The list of ethnic origins in 2006 includes cultural groups associated with Canada's Aboriginal people (North American Indian, Métis and Inuit) and the European groups that first settled in Canada, such as the English, French Scottish and Irish.

The largest group enumerated by the census consisted of just over 10 million people who reported Canadian as their ethnic ancestry, either alone (5.7 million) or with other origins (4.3 million).

The other most frequently cited origins were English (6.6 million), French (4.9 million), Scottish (4.7 million), Irish (4.4 million), German (3.2 million), Italian (1.4 million), Chinese (1.3 million), North American Indian (1.3 million), Ukrainian (1.2 million) and Dutch (1.0 million).

(Text is taken from the Statistics Canada Web site)

Our shared heritage hints at a genetic reason for MS. That may be part of it.

Aside from sharing a similar geography in distance from the equator, we share a lack of sunshine year round strong enough to enable our bodies to produce vitamin D. Recent studies have implicated this vitamin in MS.

BBC Scotland was recently in Halifax filming interviews with people of Scottish heritage and who also have MS for a future story about the connections between Scotland, Nova Scotia and MS. As well, the MS Society in Scotland is starting to jump on the genetics bandwagon in developing a national database of people with MS, something Canada has been working on for several years.

A recent poll has shown that one out of two Canadians knows someone with MS.

How many do you know?


---- "The Moonshiner" by: "MARC GUNN - Irish Scottish Folk Songs"


Actually, I thought about that last question.

Before I got it, I didn't know "anybody" with it.

Then I didn't know a lot of people with it. (After a while, I had moved on, and knew nobody again.)

I have only met "one" other person in the states from the general population with MS.

Even at that, the New Jersey Chapter of the National MS Society's MS Self Help Group is kind of small.

We're, uh, a demographic "oddity".

---- "Eyes" by: "The Scottish Enlightenment"


Monday, July 21, 2008

msb-0329 Housing Is About to Change (Back!)

msb-0329 Housing Is bout To Change (Back!)

McCain, Obama Differ on Housing Crisis


Disclaimer! Disclaimer! Disclaimer!

MSBPodcast is "not" any kind of a medical podcast.

It is by and for MSers.

Its purpose is to keep us entertained, to explain our symptoms, to remark on our discoveries, and to raise the general consciousness about our disease.

The path to illness is shadowy, murky and rough strewn.

The path to wellness is lit by the lamp of knowledge.


I have a quick and easy, painless and not too figgin' nosy customer survey that I really, really, really need you to go and fill out.

You can go to my podcast "page" [ ], click on the button on the left hand side of the page and anonymously answer a few simple questions.

I really need this.


Feedback comes first, so...

"This" [ ] article in the "New York Times" points out that people can't see what's going on with the housing market.

They're looking in the wrong direction...

Its not in front of them but behind them, as the calendar goes.

---- "Songs from The Bilston House" by: "Manning"

Feed Forward comes next, so...

This is "your" segment.

Say "your" piece on this segment.

Share with other MSers whatever "you" want to share.

Drop us an email: "charles at"

---- "Square With The House" by: "The Soupbone Throne"

Feed Me comes third, so...

Do you have a therapy, product, good or service that is of interest to MSers?

Consider advertising on this podcast.

Reminders on this segment only cost $0.03 per reminder per download of an episode. (A $30CPM targeted at MSers.)

It can/should lead to a full ad, in text, audio or video, which costs $3.00 per download.

That sounds expensive until you do the math and realize that if nobody downloads it it costs you nothing, unlike print, where you often can't even get an ad in to the specialized journals, or radio or TV where you'd just be wasting your money with the 0.0833% MSers rate of return. (That's about six times "below" the level of "statistical noise".)

But MSBPodcast is 100% in your market, and you only pay per download of your material.

No play, no pay.

Reach the MSers who would buy your therapy, product, good or service, with-out having to waste your advertising money on anyone who is "not" interested...

Send us an email at: "charles (at)"

---- "Ghost In My House" by: "Mean Gene Kelton and The Die Hards"


Something has struck me as this housing crisis becomes, uh, a crisis.

The term "real estate" is being shown up for the fiction that it is.

It is not, and never was, "real".

Some of you might have parents who were born "pre-Boomer" and some of those might me able to tell you what it was like "pre-W.W.II".

Yup, listen to your 'rents and gran-'rents. But really "listen". Listen for what you need to hear...

---- "Slaughterhouse Blues" by: "Maria Daines"


The real estate crisis is a crisis of imagination and self-esteem.

Its born of ignorance and steeped in refined oil.

The cause of the crisis is the lack of predictive ability to see what could/should/would happen when it all went "pear shaped" and you were stuck somewhere you "didn't" wanna be..

If you live in the 'burbs, make that, if you live more than a thirty minute private commute between where you sleep and where you live/work/play/meet 'n greet, you're just waking up to a new reality.

Now that you're looking at your house more like a millstone than a touch stone, every body else is too.

Ergo, your desirable house is not so desirable anymore and lack of desirability means plunging prices.

There is no "real" in real-estate. It all boils down to "comparative advantage" [ ] or, more to the point, comparative "dis"-advantage.

Our house valuations are subject to enormous changes. (Witness the simultaneous "Fanny Mae" [ ] and "Freddie Mac" [ ] debacles.)

One of the things that affects those changes is transportation (In the United States the "Department of Transportation" [ { hey, I just noticed the site is called dub, dub, dub, dot, dot, dot, guv. :-}] has annual budget US$58Billion. Okay, its still only about one ninth of the estimated US$490+Billion Defense "budget", [ ] but our bridges "are" [ ] crumbling)

And instability but, trending inexorably onward and upward, the "cost" of transportation is putting the structure of the "American Way Of Life" under severly distorting stress and strain.

Now its not so bad if you live somewhere in the Boston to Washington DC "North East Corridor", the West Coast pockets of Seattle and Greater L.A. but if you don't live in the two narrow areas, you're home values are about to "take it in the shorts".

Remember what the AmerIndians said about the value of land: "You don't own the land, it own you."

Not having vested interests in real-estate, they meant it in a nice holistic way. But as you watch your supposed equity vanish in the current and deepening shift, you'll find out that the statement also can have a nasty side.

---- "The House Is Burnin" by: "Calvin Owens"


We have a great deal to listen to i we can just shut up long enough to hear it.

This has all happened before; but not to people who lived centuries ago and/or who you couldn't possibly have met.

Sit down and talk to your 'rents or grand-'rents about "what" went down and "how" it went down.

They survived pre-oil boom.

Now you have to learn how they managed it.

Since you'll be using the latest in technology so you don't have to fight the energy wars, and rape the planet to the extent that they did.

And that's a good thing because there isn't enough affordable oil left.

---- "House of Cards" by: "Citizens Of Contrary Knowledge"


Sunday, July 20, 2008

msb-fr-0021 J'ai Le Fou Rire

msb-fr-0021 J'ai Le Fou Rire

Bob l'éponge - SpongeBob "J'ai le fou-rire!"


Désaveu! Désaveu! Désaveu!

MSBPodcast n'est pas aucune sorte de podcast médical.

Il est produit par et pour des SP'cimens.

Son but est de nous garder divertis, d'expliquer nos symptômes, de remarquer à propos de nos découvertes et d'élever la conscience générale envers notre maladie.

Le sentier à la maladie est ombragé, glauque et parsemé de rugueur.

Le sentier à la pleine forme est allumé par la lampe des connaissances.


J'ai un rapide et facile, sans peine et aussi pas si fouinard que ça formulaire d'enquête que j'ai vraiment, vraiment, vraiment besoin que vous alliez remplir.

Vous pouvez aller à ma page "podcast" [ ], cliquer sur le bouton du côté gauche de la page et répondre anonymement à quelques questions simples.

J'en ai vraiment besoin.


À Moi oûvre le programme...

Bienvenue au nouveau site de MSBPodcast.

J'espère que vous serez patient pendant que je mais la maison en ordre.

---- "She Laughs and Sighs" par: "Al Phlipp and The Woo Team"

À Vous suit...

Ceci est votre segment.

Dite ce que vous voulez sur ce segment.

Faites part avec d'autre SPcimens n'importe quoi que vous voulez parteger.

Envoyez moi un courriel: "charles à"

---- "Only Laughing" par: "Gareth Christian"

À L'aide est en troisième...

Avez-vous une thérapie, un produit, un bien ou un service qui est d'intérêt aux SP'cimen?

Considérez la publicité sur ce podcast.

Les mémentos sur ce segment coûtent seulement $0.03 par mémento par téléchargement d'une épisode. (Un $30CPM visé à SP'cimen.)

Il peut / devrait causer une annonce complète, en texte, audio ou vidéo, qui coûte $3.00 par téléchargement.

Cela semble cher jusqu'à ce que vous fassiez le calcul et vous vous rendiez compte que si personne ne le télécharge il ne vous coûte rien, à la différence de la presse, où vous ne pouvez pas souvent même placer une annonce dans aux journaux spécialisés, ou la radio ou la TV où vous gaspilleriez votre argent avec un taux de retour de 0.0833% de SP'cimen. (C'est environ six fois "au-dessous" du niveau "de bruit statistique".)

Mais MSBPodcast est 100 % dans votre marché et vous payez seulement par téléchargement de votre matériel.

L'enjeu en vaut la chandelle.

Atteignez les SP'cimens qui achèterait votre thérapie, produit, bien ou service, sans gaspiller votre argent de publicité sur quelqu'un qui n'est "pas" intéressé...

Envoyez moi un courriel: "charles à"

---- "Laughing Man" par: "Emmett" no link, no picture


J'espère que vous n'etes pas trop désorienté par la nouvelle apparence du site.

Mais c'était indispensable au futur de ce podcast.

---- "Die Laughing" par: "Shawna Caspi"


Le wiki qui s'ouvre quant vous venez maintenant a MSBPodcast n'est que la dernière evolution du podcast.

Il m'a été necessaire de le faire parceque la majeure partie du monde n'est pas rendu la encore.

Il m'est necessaire de donner au publicitaires quel que chose qu'il connaissent et peuvent reconnaitre sur le web.

Donc, je leur offre l'opportunitée de supporter le poscast en entier ou par l'episode sur des pages du wiki, en plus d'offrir de faire de la publicité au CPM et a la piece.

---- "Laughing Lenn" par: "Veda Park"


L'apparance de podcast change et évolue.

C'est pratiquement inevitable.

C'est boucoup d'ouvrage mais c'est amusant aussi; ce qui me donne le fou rire.

---- "Last Laugh" par: "PAPERMOON"


Friday, July 18, 2008

msb-0328 Wicked

msb-0328 Wicked

Wicked Game


Disclaimer! Disclaimer! Disclaimer!

MSBPodcast is "not" any kind of a medical podcast.

It is by and for MSers.

Its purpose is to keep us entertained, to explain our symptoms, to remark on our discoveries, and to raise the general consciousness about our disease.

The path to illness is shadowy, murky and rough strewn.

The path to wellness is lit by the lamp of knowledge.


I have a quick and easy, painless and not too figgin' nosy customer survey that I really, really, really need you to go and fill out.

You can go to my podcast "page" [ ], click on the button on the left hand side of the page and anonymously answer a few simple questions.

I really need this.


Feedback comes first, so...

I will be changing this website in order to deal with the reality that most of my visitors are coming to my podcasts from the wider web.

Therefore I am shifting things around, creating a new Wiki site which will become the "forward facing page" for the podcast and any and all advertising I manage to find.

---- "Wicked Karma" by: "Ronnie"

Feed Forward comes next, so...

This is "your" segment.

Say "your" piece on this segment.

Share with other MSers whatever "you" want to share.

Drop us an email: "charles at"

---- "Wicked Eyed Mule" by: "Maria Daines"

Feed Me comes third, so...

Do you have a therapy, product, good or service that is of interest to MSers?

Consider advertising on this podcast.

Reminders on this segment only cost $0.03 per reminder per download of an episode. (A $30CPM targeted at MSers.)

It can/should lead to a full ad, in text, audio or video, which costs $3.00 per download.

That sounds expensive until you do the math and realize that if nobody downloads it it costs you nothing, unlike print, where you often can't even get an ad in to the specialized journals, or radio or TV where you'd just be wasting your money with the 0.0833% MSers rate of return. (That's about six times "below" the level of "statistical noise".)

But MSBPodcast is 100% in your market, and you only pay per download of your material.

No play, no pay.

Reach the MSers who would buy your therapy, product, good or service, with-out having to waste your advertising money on anyone who is "not" interested...

Send us an email at: "charles (at)"

---- "Wicked Man" by: "Forgery"


The new site will have "all" of the episodes, each on its own wiki page, with a calendar index pointing to every episode and in a long list.

That should help you having to scroll so much over the boring bits.

Because of some efficiencies that I can realize by using a wiki, the pages will be shorter but will point to the other things that they should.

I'll resurrect all of the episodes, instead of trimming them down.

There'll also be some sections that are usable by anybody who needs them.

---- "Wicked Come Winter" by: "Matt Mays & El Torpedo"


I am launching the MSBWiki on top of the MSBPodcast.

The wiki is meant to be more than a podcast ever could be.

Apart from keeping up everything the podcast currently has, the wiki will feature extras discussed below.

For the podcasts:
  • The YouTube videos will all work.
  • The text will be shorter because I can keep the "boiler plate" segments on their own pages and just provide links to them.
  • The bands songs titles, pictures and websites will be "hot linked"
  • The audio will work of course (but work better if you have QuickTime installed and will work best if you have iTunes installed.)
For advertisers:
  • they'll still be able to do the podcast ads I've been on about for a while now,
  • they'll still be able to do straight CPM ads in audio,
  • they'll now be able to do show sponsorship on the wiki site,
  • they'll now be able to do "episode" sponsorship on the wiki site.
Other things I want to bring to the New Jersey MS Self-Help Group, they'll be able to use:
  • Google Maps for the locations of their meetings.
  • Google Calendars for the timing of their events.
  • Images/pictures of their events.
  • YouTube for recordings of their events.
I am also going to make this available to anyone else with the same needs.

---- "Wicked" by: "Mudville"


Nothing will change for you the audience but because 85% of you come by the web instead on via iTunes, I am about to make that experience more enjoyable and cohesive for you all.

---- "Wicked" by" Jupiter Rising"


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

msb-0327 Shauna's Brain On Drugs

msb-0327 Shauna's Brain On Drugs

The Who - Baba o'riley - Quadrophenia 1970s


Disclaimer! Disclaimer! Disclaimer!

MSBPodcast is "not" any kind of a medical podcast.

It is by and for MSers.

Its purpose is to keep us entertained, to explain our symptoms, to remark on our discoveries, and to raise the general consciousness about our disease.

The path to illness is shadowy, murky and rough strewn.

The path to wellness is lit by the lamp of knowledge.


I have a quick and easy, painless and not too figgin' nosy customer survey that I really, really, really need you to go and fill out.

You can go to my podcast "page" [ ], click on the button on the left hand side of the page and anonymously answer a few simple questions.

I really need this.


Feedback comes first, so...

I'm still working on my letters to all kinds of folks to sponsor me.

I'm going to have to go out there myself until people get the idea.

---- "Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll" by: "Ugly"

Feed Forward comes next, so...

This is "your" segment.

Say "your" piece on this segment.

Share with other MSers whatever "you" want to share.

Drop us an email: "charles at"

---- "Sunshine and Drugs" by: "The Pleasures of Merely Circulating"

Feed Me comes third, so...

Do you have a therapy, product, good or service that is of interest to MSers?

Consider advertising on this podcast.

Reminders on this segment only cost $0.03 per reminder per download of an episode. (A $30CPM targeted at MSers.)

It can/should lead to a full ad, in text, audio or video, which costs $3.00 per download.

That sounds expensive until you do the math and realize that if nobody downloads it it costs you nothing, unlike print, where you often can't even get an ad in to the specialized journals, or radio or TV where you'd just be wasting your money with the 0.0833% MSers rate of return. (That's about six times "below" the level of "statistical noise".)

But MSBPodcast is 100% in your market, and you only pay per download of your material.

No play, no pay.

Reach the MSers who would buy your therapy, product, good or service, with-out having to waste your advertising money on anyone who is "not" interested...

Send me an email at: "charles (at)"

---- "The Drugs That Ate My Brain" by: "Ghost Runner"


Seem that drugs have an entirely different meaning to those who don't need them.

They look upon 'em withuh, recreational aspirations. (I must be Martian. I was a musician for years and I never really partook. [I've only got one word for people who sit around gigling inanely and never finishing a sentence: B-O-R-I-N-G!])

---- "Love, Drugs, & Bombs" by: "O Sweet Static"


This is my Brain on Drugs

I was speaking with someone the other day who first met me when I was MC-ing the local ALS Walk. ALS is easily one of the most cruel illnesses, and I happily lend my skills to fundraising for this cause. My friend and I were comparing ALS and MS. In the majority of cases ALS is a death sentence within a few years whereas MS is rarely fatal. ALS is continuously and quickly progressive from Day 1 whereas MS is much slower. MS is uncertain, a characteristic about which we MSers like to complain. We don't know what each day will bring. You know what? I realized that this characteristic is something I should celebrate. I may not know what's going to happen, but it just might be great. And I know I have many tomorrows left.

We humans like to be in control. Diseases like ALS and MS can quickly remove that control but we still try to assert some control. I do that by taking Avonex once a week. In my butt. The boyfriend sticks me with that needle after I take some Tylenol to battle the side effects. 4 hours later, around bedtime, I take more Tylenol, the 8 hour stuff, so I can sleep through the night. Usually the next morning, another dose and I'm set for another week.

I've been on the stuff for 8 years now and so far so good. I've had one minor relapse. Is it all because of the Avonex? No idea. I'm sure it has something to do with it, but as one of my neuros is quick to tell me, attitude is pretty important, too.

So as much as I, like the rest of humanity, don't like change, I will celebrate my ever changing disease and do what I can do to make a difference.


---- "The Music Or The Drugs" by: "The Black Arts"


But rather than griping, I too am celebrating the fact that in my case at least, MS has offered me as much as it has taken away.

(Okay I'm lyin', but I tell myself that there's no pain, my senses seems to be intact, and apart from the fact that I don't go out when its hot, because I'm likely to be a sweaty spot on the sidewalk, I can still get around, albeit much more slowly than I like. [And the money will take care of itself. {Okay, I'm lyin' again. It won't. So I'll just have to make niche podcasting into a success.}])

---- "Like My Drug" by: "Beat Assassins"


Monday, July 14, 2008

msb-0326 Fundamental Changes

msb-0326 Fundamental Changes

Pink Floyd - Money


Disclaimer! Disclaimer! Disclaimer!

MSBPodcast is "not" any kind of a medical podcast.

It is by and for MSers.

Its purpose is to keep us entertained, to explain our symptoms, to remark on our discoveries, and to raise the general consciousness about our disease.

The path to illness is shadowy, murky and rough strewn.

The path to wellness is lit by the lamp of knowledge.


I have a quick and easy, painless and not too figgin' nosy customer survey that I really, really, really need you to go and fill out.

You can go to my podcast "page" [ ], click on the button on the left hand side of the page and anonymously answer a few simple questions.

I really need this.


Feedback comes first, so...

Only an idiot repeats the same actions expecting different results.

I am many things but I am not an idiot. :-)

I will be making changes to my web site because of what you people are "actually doing there" not because of what I "thought" you should be doing there.

The podcast itself is fine and attracting a fine audience given the demographic constraints (MSers have none so I can't claim to attract "single males between 18 and 34 who are into electronic gadgets and beer" (the "low hanging fruit" that Wizzard Media is currently after.)

I just need to grow the audience by a few orders of magnitude. [sigh] I'm always of two minds about that. Yes, its definitely a reachable goal and I cheer myself up by telling myself that I don't need a single newly diagnosed person to "grow the audience".

---- "Money" by: "the undisputed heavyweights"

Feed Forward comes next, so...

This is "your" segment.

Say "your" piece on this segment.

Share with other MSers whatever "you" want to share.

Drop us an email: "charles at"

---- "Money" by: "AbaNDa SHAKE"

Feed Me comes third, so...

Do you have a therapy, product, good or service that is of interest to MSers?

Consider advertising on this podcast.

Reminders on this segment only cost $0.03 per reminder per download of an episode. (A $30CPM targeted at MSers.)

It can/should lead to a full ad, in text, audio or video, which costs $3.00 per download.

That sounds expensive until you do the math and realize that if nobody downloads it it costs you nothing, unlike print, where you often can't even get an ad in to the specialized journals, or radio or TV where you'd just be wasting your money with the 0.0833% MSers rate of return. (That's about six times "below" the level of "statistical noise".)

But MSBPodcast is 100% in your market, and you only pay per download of your material.

No play, no pay.

Reach the MSers who would buy your therapy, product, good or service, with-out having to waste your advertising money on anyone who is "not" interested...

Send us an email at: "charles (at)"

---- "Money" by: "Tems"


As I said last Friday, I have had a meeting with the sales person at "Wizzard Media".

It was an great lunch, a productive session and I will drag them kicking and screaming into the twenty first century. (Blog rolls are so nineten-ninety-nine.)

---- "Money" by: "The RedLine"


Analisys of my stats have revealed that the vast majority of you are coming to the web site from a variety of means and "staying there" for the music.

For all I know, you're utterly ignoring what I have to say but you're playing the music.

Given the current diference between the number of "seekers" and the number of downloaders, a lot of you are grazing all over the place (which screws with my CPM estimates for individual advertising campaigns unless [you just knew there was an unless {didn't'cha?}] I get rid of the current blog rolling user interface.

Instead I plan to use a wiki to give you all the access you want, however you want it, but it will also let me take advantage of the fact that you're "staying put" because of the tunes. (Some of you are using this show as an internet radio and playing it all day long instead of a regular radio while you surf, probably or possibly while you work.)

On average, one visitor plays 10 shows, that works out to five hours per daily visit. (Of course some of you don'w and the visit is over within minutes.)

Nothing has to change on the podcast. Its still going to be six tunes chosen around the "theme du jour" and me blathering on in between the tunes.

It would be nice if I could run an ad in there, but frankly I doubt it because the meeting was about what the current clients of "Wizzard Media" are currently asking for (which is screen real-estate in banner ads,) and which doesnt do a thing for podcasting but will make my idea of using a wiki a lot more attractive to advertisers and ad agencies.

These people are way, way, way behind on the curve on this.

Gawd people.

Its on-demand audio over the internet.

How difficult can that be to understand? Jeez...

It can have images. It can have hot-links so click-through advertising can work too.

And we should stay out of each other's faces while we do business...

---- "money" by: "peter, bjorn and john"


Only a fool struggles with reality and my mother didn't raise a fool.

My business model for CPM just doesn't work worth crap.

There just aren't enough of you coming to my site for it to work.

I'd need "thousands" of MSers coming by everyday and that's just too depressing to comtemplate.

That's why I'm offering to make the connection between the parties without needing to make all that annoying and ultimately counter-productive noise (And "noise" is "anything" you "don't" wana hear.)

---- "Money" by: "Theory in Motion"


Sunday, July 13, 2008

msb-fr-0020 Changements Fondamentaux

msb-fr-0020 Changements Fondamentaux

Matt Harding Dance


Désaveu! Désaveu! Désaveu!

MSBPodcast n'est pas aucune sorte de podcast médical.

Il est produit par et pour des SP'cimens.

Son but est de nous garder divertis, d'expliquer nos symptômes, de remarquer à propos de nos découvertes et d'élever la conscience générale envers notre maladie.

Le sentier à la maladie est ombragé, glauque et parsemé de rugueur.

Le sentier à la pleine forme est allumé par la lampe des connaissances.


J'ai un rapide et facile, sans peine et aussi pas si fouinard que ça formulaire d'enquête que j'ai vraiment, vraiment, vraiment besoin que vous alliez remplir.

Vous pouvez aller à ma page "podcast" [ ], cliquer sur le bouton du côté gauche de la page et répondre anonymement à quelques questions simples.

J'en ai vraiment besoin.


À Moi oûvre le programme...

Je fais des changements fondamentaux a ce podcast et au site qui le supporte puisque 85% de vous ne vous abonnez pas par iTunes.

---- "Katie Secretly Married at the Age of 8" par: "Jason Harwell"

À Vous suit...

Ceci est votre segment.

Dite ce que vous voulez sur ce segment.

Faites part avec d'autre SPcimens n'importe quoi que vous voulez parteger.

Envoyez moi un courriel: "charles à"

---- "Shaky Ground" par: "Mutlu"

À L'aide est en troisième...

Avez-vous une thérapie, un produit, un bien ou un service qui est d'intérêt aux SP'cimen?

Considérez la publicité sur ce podcast.

Les mémentos sur ce segment coûtent seulement $0.03 par mémento par téléchargement d'une épisode. (Un $30CPM visé à SP'cimen.)

Il peut / devrait causer une annonce complète, en texte, audio ou vidéo, qui coûte $3.00 par téléchargement.

Cela semble cher jusqu'à ce que vous fassiez le calcul et vous vous rendiez compte que si personne ne le télécharge il ne vous coûte rien, à la différence de la presse, où vous ne pouvez pas souvent même placer une annonce dans aux journaux spécialisés, ou la radio ou la TV où vous gaspilleriez votre argent avec un taux de retour de 0.0833% de SP'cimen. (C'est environ six fois "au-dessous" du niveau "de bruit statistique".)

Mais MSBPodcast est 100 % dans votre marché et vous payez seulement par téléchargement de votre matériel.

L'enjeu en vaut la chandelle.

Atteignez les SP'cimens qui achèterait votre thérapie, produit, bien ou service, sans gaspiller votre argent de publicité sur quelqu'un qui n'est "pas" intéressé...

Envoyez moi un courriel: "charles à"

---- "Tractor Draggin Mean" par: "Joe Mazzari"


La définition de "stupide" est la repetition d'une action en restant surpris a la repetition des meme résultats.

Je ne suis pas stupide, donc il y a des changements dans l'air.

---- "Caller" par: "Playtone"


Le réalitée est que plus de trois quarts de vous viennent a ce podcast par des moyens que je n'avais pas prédit quand j'ai commencé ce podcast.

Vous venez a ce podcast de par des recherches de Google et de Yahoo et vous etes ici a cause de la curiosité a propos de la sclérose en plaque et vous demeurez ici a cause de la musique.

J'ai beaucoup moin de visiteurs au site que de téléchargements donc vous venez et vous "y restez!"

Je suis certain qu'une bonne part de vous vous servez du podcast comme une radio sur internet parce que je présente beaucoup de musique et vous pouvez juste ignorer le reste.

Ceci explique bien des chôses.

Je fais à la main le nouveau site pour vous donner le choix de votre methode preferrée de téléchagez des épisodes. (La superioritée d'iTunes et l'utilization de RSS pour demeurer courrant n'est pas une consideration pour plus que trois quart de vous.)

Vous allez continuer a me coûter a chaque téléchargement et c'est tout ce qu'il y a à ca.

Reste a determiner si vous vous servez du "player" ou si vous avez QuickTime installé sur votre ordinateur et pouvez voir les portrais des artistes ets pouvez faire appel aux "links" durant une chanson ou durant une de mes pauses.

---- "One More Song" par: "Parachute Musical"


La définition de "stupide" est la repetition d'une action en restant surpris a la repetition des meme résultats.

Je ne suis pas stupide, donc il y a des changements dans l'air.

A la prochaine.

---- "Hard to Believe - Instrumental" par: "Bjork Ostrom"


Friday, July 11, 2008

msb-0325 Eve And Wall•e ™®©

msb-0325 Eve and Wall•E ™®©

Solazyme Unveils Renewable Biodiesel Derived from Algue

Lucy, Lucy, Lucy


Disclaimer! Disclaimer! Disclaimer!

MSBPodcast is "not" any kind of a medical podcast.

It is by and for MSers.

Its purpose is to keep us entertained, to explain our symptoms, to remark on our discoveries, and to raise the general consciousness about our disease.

The path to illness is shadowy, murky and rough strewn.

The path to wellness is lit by the lamp of knowledge.


I have a quick and easy, painless and not too figgin' nosy customer survey that I really, really, really need you to go and fill out.

You can go to my podcast "page" [ ], click on the button on the left hand side of the page and anonymously answer a few simple questions.

I really need this.


Feedback comes first, so...

Hallelujah. What I have been saying for "years."

The ways of interconnecting the end components are more important that the components themselves. Okay, I've said that about computers, not brains, but the principles still apply.

"This" [ ] article in the New York Times shows that in spades.

I can relate in that my MS "brain lesions," (those unfortunate enough to have looked at their own MRIs have seen those "white spots" [or in my case those wide, "white swaths" at the center of my brain,]) below my cortical "homuncular" representations are what are making it hard to walk.

Its not that there is any problem with the controlling structure in the cortex (my "homunculi" are fine,) or with the muscular structure at the the other, destination end of the nerves.

My problems lie somewhere in the middle...

This is yet another 'problem' that human ingenuity would be only floundering about making at best "uninformed wild-ass stabs' in the dark". But having MRI scans, which are by definition computer manipulatable, gives us the possibility of creating "educated quesses."

Now the first video is how to get oil in out tanks "without" having to rape anyone's dinner plate, while the second video is means to explain a remark later on. :-)


I just had a meeting with Wizzard Media concerning monetization.

Sorry, I've tried to hold the line taught as far as trying to recruit only from makers and providers of stuff for MS but nobody else is picking up the other end of the rope.

Don't be surprised if you come to pick up the show and its got some pre-roll or insert that's just aimed at anybody out there, not just us.

Its either that or I start begging you at the beginning of each show to go to the donate jar on

The worst thing would be that this become just another show.

That would be a shame and an opportunity lost.

---- "Toasted mushrooms" by: "Momo-J"

Feed Forward comes next, so...

This is "your" segment.

Say "your" piece on this segment.

Share with other MSers whatever "you" want to share.

Drop us an email: "charles at"

---- "Drinking My Last Dime" by: "Rusty Zinn"

Feed Me comes third, so...

Do you have a therapy, product, good or service that is of interest to MSers?

Consider advertising on this podcast.

Reminders on this segment only cost $0.03 per reminder per download of an episode. (A $30CPM targeted at MSers.)

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---- "Dallas" by: "Jim Suhler"


While I am sure that we can come up with a future with abundance in energy by getting off of the fossil fuel path (which is improperly named "fossil" anyway. I can assure you that "Barney" never died sixty-five million years ago gust to get out the nozzle and into your gas tank.)

The oil that lies miles below the surface of the earth and of the ocean, was probably formed by the same kind of process of biotic excretion that the proposed bacteria are doing. (Look at the first video accompanying this episode.)

However there is another penury we need to be concerned about. (Though it was "safe to get back in the water again"? [You know life doesn't work that way. {And neither does Hollywood :-}])

---- "Easy on the shorts" by: "Maria Daines"


The world is running out of the so called rare earths, not because they are being thrown away, or that they are being transformed into waste products, but because there just isn't that much of them and we need more that there exists.

Lets take a look at one of these "Gallium:"

The "Mineral Information Institute" has a web page [ ] which pretty neatly sums it up:
" ... It is, however, found as a trace element in a number of minerals and ores, the most important of which is bauxite (aluminum ore). In fact, gallium is a by-product of aluminum production. On average, there is 50 ppm (parts per million) of gallium in bauxite. Based on this average, known U.S. bauxite deposits could produce 15 million kilograms of gallium. Two million kilograms are in the Arkansas bauxite deposits alone. World bauxite resources are so large (estimated at 55 to 75 billion tons) that gallium could be retrieved from these ores for many years to come."
Guess what?

Its "years have come" and the technology that depends on gallium is becoming more popular everyday.

Like using LCDs?

Like using fast computers?

Well who doesn't?

"Gallium" [ ] is used in many products.

Web elements [ ] says:
  • gallium wets glass or porcelain, and forms a brilliant mirror when it is painted on glass
  • used for doping semiconductors and producing solid-state devices such as transistors
  • gallium arsenide converts electricity into coherent light
  • alloying
  • 90 tons of gallium (2 or 3 years of world production) is used to detect solar neutrinos by the use of the reaction: nu + 71Ga > 71Ge + e-. The rate, although very low (less than 1 interaction per day in 30 tonnes of Ga) makes gallium unique for this purpose. Two experiments are running : - GALLEX using 30 tons in the Gran Sasso underground laboratory (Italy) and SAGE with 60 tons in the Baksan laboratory in Caucasus (Russia)."
Did you get the beginning of that last point?

90 tons is 2 to 3 years of production. (Hmmm. That should be "extraction" because gallium is an element and is produced in novae and supernovae. We don't "produce" any.)

It not like we can get "Lucy and Ethel" to stop trying to eat all the chocolates and get down to work. (Sorry ... I know its gatuitous, but it was a chance to see the bit again and I couldn't pass it up. :-)

Gallium is in the group of elements known as "other metals", sandwiched between "transition elements" and "rare earths" in the periodic table, and you only recover them during the execution of some other industrial process. (Becoming a chimney sweep might again be an honorable profession since gallium is even recovered from soot. [Of course, not. {Only if you'd like to get posthumous medals. (Make that "printed certificates", [metals are just wasted on medals.])}])

The point is that people are going to get used to going through the debris or get used to doing without. (Relax. Its not like "The Unpleasant of Johnathan Hoage" [ ])

Soon, they are going to get used to doing without anyway because there is simply not enough being found and not enough being recycled to keep the production lines going.

But I bet that there's going to be some humdinger of a fight over those resources too.

---- "Your Dice Wont Pass" by: "Edison Rocket Train"


According to "Wikipedia", [ ] the rare earths comprised of:
Lanthanum from the Greek "lanthanon" meaning I am hidden.
Cerium after Greek deity of fertility, Ceres.
Praseodymium from the Greek "praso" which means leek-green.
Neodymium from a Greek word "neo" which means new-one.
Promethium after Prometheus who brought fire to mortals.
Samarium Vasili Samarsky-Bykhovets discovered the rare-earth ore called samarskite.
Gadolinium after Johan Gadolin (1760-1852) to honor his investigation of rare earths.
Dysprosium from the Greek "dysprositos" meaning hard to get.
Thulium refers to the mythological land of Thule.
Ytterbium named after the village of Ytterby, Sweden, where the first rare earth ore was
And by sheer coincidence, last week's film fare consisted of going to see "Wall•E". [ ]

A charming little tale of two robots, (a little too much like "The Lady and the Tramp" [ ] for my money,) one a shining iPod-like glistening "Johnathan Ives" [ ] creation, (Literally. He was in on the creation of "Eve" [ ]) and the other a hard working, dirty little box on tank treads, who meet and fall in like, (Hey its Disney. 'Like' is all you're "ever" gonna to see,) and, after much travail and ado, reintroduce the human species to an Earth they had left seven hundred years earlier a smoldering pile, nay, piles of broken shopping carts trash, junk, sterile crap debris and detritus.

Yup, the whole planet looked like a dumpster behind the mall.

What are we thinking? ...

---- "Upper Working Class" by: "Tim Ratcliff and Ken Bailey"
