Friday, January 05, 2007

msb-0100 ADD is a serious ... ooo ... shiny!

msb-0100 ADD is a serious ... ooo ... shiny!

feedback comes first ...

There isn't any ... yet ...

I'm still awaiting word from MDMHvonPA on his Roundup of the Haupertonian MS Cabal.

I want to thank Brian [name withheld by request] of the procrasticast ( for the link disabled,) for the donation.

You can find him on the iTunes Music Store as "Audio Attitude" and subscribe that way.

I've downloaded what I could (#27 on,) and I'm still forming an opinion. I think I like the show.

I just heard from, and talked to, somebody with the New Jersey chapter about podcasting their annual "Race For MS" and possibly doing some web-casting for some other events. (There is a difference. Podasting is still perceived mobile and having zero interaction, while web-casting is still perceived as podcasting with no possibility of capture [and any hacker worthy of the name {and I know quite a few} will tell you that's like waiving a red flag in front of a bull.])

The biggest changes are to the server software, not to the content or to the process. I've downloaded NiceCast from RogueAmoeba (that's for the link disabled,) as an experiment.

I'll see what they made as their business case and for what.

I've been in touch with Allison Reynolds of the about doing an interview with her. (Poor dear, I don't think she realizes how complicated it gets. If you're just talking its sounds simple, but doing an actual interview is quite a process. [Just to get interviewed on the five o'clock news for a bit about being a witness to something involves a lot. Imagine being the driving force behind a campaign to raise a million dollars.])

But I've just downloaded Audio Hijack Pro, also from Rogue Amoeba (thats still for the link disabled,) for my iMac and I'm figuring out how to work it with Skype so the interview can be recorded to an MP3, pulled into GarageBand and made into a show for podcast. (If we use the video parts of Skype, you will be able to 'sit in' on a webcast with our shining faces beaming out at you. [Ugh! I think we'll stick to audio. My office is a shameful mess.])

---- Making Me Nervous by Brad Sucks

Since none of you gave me any suggestions about any favorites from the thousand or so songs I've played for you so far,

(except for "Making me nervous" by Brad Sucks, a repeat of that song which was actually requested, once, a long time ago, by a member of the audience in Everet WA, USA.

[Yo! DasGimp, how are you doing? Drop an email.]

[you just know I played it first on this episode {notice, I said episode, not rotation. This ain't radio and I don't share a friggin' playlist with other DJs.}]

[Oh, that's at for the link disabled, non iTunes using segment of the audience,

{don't feel bad ... about half of you listening who pick the show off the wire with nothing more than a browser.}])

You know who you are, on my all too sparsely populated Frapper Map; the link's on the page folks, look down the left hand side ... go and add yourselves. :-)

I'm now going to play the first tunes that I find interesting off of the PMN (the Podsafe Music Network,)

---- ?? by: ?? http://??

I'm starting a new section called "Feed Forward" which will feature my recent discoveries or "kewl!" moments that I wish to share with you;

This last discovery is a book titled "An Egg Is Quiet" by Dianna Aston and Sylvia Long (ISBN: 10-0-8118-4428-5 and/or ISBN: 13-978-0-8118-4428-4)

I don't really remember what brought the book to my attention, I must been fascinated by the authoresses description of the process of creating this work, but I'm so glad I got onto and ordered it.

Its very inexpensive, very thin and the illustrations it contains are absolutely precious.

Its absolutely delightful in its oviparous illustrations.

Its a children's book that's just too pretty to hand over to a three year old.

Between the eggs and the creatures that lay them, its a wonderfully illustrated little book.

---- ?? by: ?? http://??

The title of this episode implies short attention spans and the cognitive dissonance associated with the easily distracted mind. (Yes, I know that I'm not supposed to dispense medical advice, and I'm not going to, apart from pestering you to ask a health care professional about your specific conditions.)

Part of the problem with MS and its brain lesions, is that, coming as it does from the inside of our perceptions, denial comes as part of the package.

Not only do we not see with our own eyes what seems obvious to others (I hate walking in to the clinic with a sniffle and asking "How sick am I, doc?" because the answer might be a whole lot longer and more complicated than: "You have a cold. Take a couple of these and call me if it doesn't clear up",) but we have an additional barrier in that that we may not recognize or understand what we see.

I'm using "denial" as a generic "catch-all" term here for three conditions, so let me clear that up right now.

Denial the first, as in "I don't have this disease see ... I can get around fine, see ... (trips over a "gravity warp" in the floor, crashes into an umbrella stand, slips and falls flat on face,)" is one thing.

It is the willful act of saying "No! It ain't so!" It may be the stupid, stubborn, destructive to the self and to others, act of the terrified child in all of us, but its quite natural and it can be dealt with. Not easily, but it can be "dealt" with.

Denial the second, as in "Uh, no I don't do that ... do I?" is not a willful act. It may not even be a conscious act. This is specially pernicious because, as this disease progresses, it affects what we can affect.

Our out-going apparatus, our effector nerves, get full of cruft as sclera accumulate and interfere with the signals our mind sends to our body. (This wonderful syndrome manifests itself as spasticity; knocked over drink glasses, a lack of hand-eye coordination, bad gait, difficulty rising out of chairs, etcetera.)

Our in-coming appparatus, out sensory nerves, also get full of cruft as sclera accumulate and interfere with the signals our body sends to our mind. (This wonderful syndrome manifests itself as "phantom pain"; the itch that can't be scratched because it isn't real, or reported in some place than where its supposed to be. Phantom pain can be a whole lot more distressing than that and it can hurt a whole lot worse than an itch.)

Denial, the third, is what this show is actually about. It is the cognitive dissonance between our actual bodies and our "soma", or perceived selves.

This one's a bit of a bitch because, everything we do and everything we are, as well as everything we think we do and everything we think we are, are caught up in a jumbled, scarred mess of sensation that is the result of the jumbled, scarred mess of our neural network.

(Thank [insert name of deity here] that I don't do that kind of work, cognitive science, for a living. Its get awfully hard to keep things straight.)

One saving grace of the processing of sensation from a physical reaction into a cognitive one is that, if you take a figurative step back, you can distance your self from your soma and begin to live in the half second separation between the actual sensation, (this is itchy or this hurts, or I'm twisting wrong, or she looks good,) and the perception, (which kicks off a reaction, a scratch, or an ouch, or a readjustment of position, or something you might have to, uh, cope with. :-)

I've covered the "half second delay" way back in "MSB-0011 Its not a free pass, dummy" (Don't bother looking for a podcast. Its gone... I expunged it from the servers.)
Dylan William, in a short, 8 page paper called "The half-second delay: what follows?" for Kings College London School of Education says that there is an enormous disparity betwen our sensory data, which he estimates is processed by the unconscious mind at about 11 million bits per second and our conscious mind which he estimates only handles about 50 bits per second.
In that episode I talked about the disparity between our senses (visual, auditory and tactile [regardless of the actual bandwidth consumption,]) are our conscious reaction to whatever has been presented to them.

---- ?? by: ?? http://??

Actually, I think about how I think a great deal.

What are the mechanisms of thought?

What do we connect with?

How do we formulate a thought?

What neural pathways are there between an idea, the electrical resonance of the idea, and the meat-me that thought up the idea. (Told ya, on several occasions, that I was weird!)

---- ?? by: ?? http://??

I think I'll just shut up and end here.


mdmhvonpa said...

I do NOT have denial. Nope.

Charles-A. Rovira said...

Ri-i-ight. Its just a river in Egypt... (Just remember what I said about the Aswan dam 10 episodes ago?)

Good thing it's not your denial that I'm worried about. :-)

And thanks for the update. It's this Thursday's fodder.

Rogers Place said...

Nice pages here. Great information. Will visit again and recommend.

Miss Chris said...

I never went the denial route, although some in my family did.

Charles-A. Rovira said...

Thanks Rogers Market.

I try...

Hello Miss Chris,

sound like there a back story there that you could share with us. (Change the names to protect the innocent [mainly you] :-)