Sunday, November 12, 2006

msb-0082 Echoes

msb-0082 Echoes

Feedback comes first so ...

Before somebody asks me what happened to msb-0081, it was MDMHvonPAs column. Since its his content, I didn't feel it was right for me to stake any clam to it by hosting the text on this blog.

Someone is on a serious quest:

"I am writing for advice. Over the past year, I have been searching for someone with MS and, understandably, privacy issues have prevented help from official MS organizations.

On the Thursday after Katrina, I was rescued from the bus depot in downtown New Orleans. I should say outside the depot, since we were ordered out of the building by a national guardsman.

There was a young couple in the group, Al and his wife. I cannot remember her name. They were airlifted; she was completely non ambulatory, unable to sit up.

I had met them on the I-610, in the Gentilly section of the city. Al had arrived asking for someone to help carry his wife to the high area of the interstate. They had been trapped in their sweltering attic, as we had been.

If you saw any of the images from that time, you can imagine her immense suffering. It was an experience of terrible extremes and fears. I think about them constantly. If there were someone who could just send them my contact information, I would be very grateful.

Marlene Askew"

My reply:

"Hello Ms. Askew

you needn't worry. Your email address will not be published unless you want it to be. And maybe not even then.

I think you might want to ask someone who is closer and might stand a chance of having met them.

[... contact info removed ...]

As for the MS Society's privacy issues...

I find it quite difficult to believe that their privacy issues would prevent them from acting as intermediaries since they would be in complete control of all information and communications between the couple and the wider world.

However, I find it quite easy to believe that they would not want to expend their resources to do so since, even after more than a year, the situation in New Orleans is still dire.

Look on the bright side, since they were airlifted, you can be sure that they were alive.

And where there is life, there's hope.

I will be leaving your message posting on my blog and podcasting it.

Maybe somebody out there can help...



Well, whenever I think I'm, just wanking off, I look an my stats and I discover something new.

I have just hit over 4,000 downloads by some measure and almost 5,000 by some other. Thank you. Your repeated downloads are my inspiration and my vindication.


Thursday 16th of November 2006 is a day that marks a significant turn in media.

ClearChannel has agreed to be bought out, which marks an about face in the media conglomeration that we have been been witnessing for the past while. (Why so soon after the loss by the Republicans, I wonder?)

Poor Rush Limbaugh's market is being sold out from under him. Don't they have any loyalty? Well, no more than the inevitably, inexorably vanishing audience I guess... :-)

ClearChannel have been losing money and staggering under the onslaught of the new time and location shifted media, so Thomas H. Lee and Bain Capital Partners LLC have bought them out and are going to break them up and sell the assets.

The previous owners are declaring a victory, taking the millions and hightailing it out of there.

[dead pan voice] Hoo-ray!


I see from my stats that more and more of you are taking my advice and using iTunes (and some of you are even using iPodder ) to download the show.

How 'bout sending me an email ( to charles at ) telling me what you're using to download this very show.

I don't sell your email addresses or send out spam. I loathe the stuff being afflicted with it myself. (I have to keep an open address myself since I don't know which of you out there will be writing to me.)


Things in the blogosphere seems to be going well, as reported by MDMHvonPA last week in his Roundup. (

The advertising model for this show is to refer people back to a relevant episode and charge advertisers by the download. [ I can dream, can't I? ]:-)

For those who think I'm a freakin' awful news reader, myself among these, I would just remind you all of the bumbling, faltering, imbecilic, unprepared, totally off-the-point presentation that Senator Ten Stevens (R-Alaska) made about the net neutrality of internet (The audio show will have selected pieces of that speech [Credit: C|Net which itself credits: Comedy Central which itself credits CSPAN which itself credits sheer imbecility of Senator Ted Stevens, which he credits to his parents not strangling him at birth, which they credit on their great self-restraint.])

For all my speech hiccups I certainly don't sound as bad as he forever will. I may slur my speech at times and occasionally loose my place in my script, (I simply must get or make myself a teleprompter,) but I at least have a clue.

How much are we all paying this fool to so-called-ly represent you, Michelle? (at )

(I may not be a citizen but I pay my local/municipal, state and federal taxes. [So much for the principle of "taxation without representation" on which this country was founded, eh?])

A fun little tweak of his nose called DJ Ted Stevens Techno Remix: "A Series of Tubes" is to be found at " "

Thank [insert name of deity here] that he doesn't have a full in office term left.


I am the recipient of the most ghastly act of arboricide.

B&H Photo•Video•Pro Audio just dropped a huge chunk of dead tree smugged with inks. I am appalled. 468 pages and there was nothing I wanted.

Music123 sent a much more compact catalog and I dog-eared two pages... I'm not going to buy anything but at least they were 'wantable' enough that I dog-eared them.

But I shop online and I'd rather keep the trees alive, thank you very much.


I'm thinking about, but won't bore you with, the "Branding strategy" for this podcast, sort of a "Who am us anyway?" But it will inform my understanding of what I want to accomplish with this podcast.

In it I am asking questions like "Who do I want to reach?". (You of course, but I'm also thinking of how and why?)

Taking control, keeping control and other issues in MNS and in life...

I'm not worried about podfading. If anything its the other way around.

I am frustrated by trying to keep it down to only once a week.

I keep having to select my target and end up missing giving other targets my full attention. I keep throwing away topics and the scripts to go with them because of 'selective timing'.


I have changed the theme, style and content of this show yet again.

This episode was going to feature "geek speak" and be heavily laden with object-oriented jargon. As I am winding down this IT career, I wanted to get down, in a copyright-able form, some thoughts I have had over the years. (Actually, since I started as a student of architecture)

It was a reaction to an article in the New York Times issue of Sunday, November 12th, 2006, on web 3.0, aka the semantic web.

But I find it no longer matters to me.

This episode is called "Echoes" because of the music selections but it could have been called "Charlotte's Semantic Web." Be thankful it no longer matters to me... :-)


This morning as I write this, I found myself lost in "Fanfare for the Common Man" in a PBS show about "Aaron Copeland". If only I could play it for you.

Its incredible how a series of notes can encapsulate and embody the American spirit. In the same spirit, "Appalachian Spring", with its simple, spare and elegant melody, is like balm to soothe and uplift the soul.

You can't help but feel emboldened by Copeland.


Have a happy thanksgiving. (Catch your breath before Christmas shopping.)

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