Monday, June 30, 2008

msb-0320 We Resume Our Regularly Scheduled Calamity

msb-0320 We Resume Our Regularly Scheduled Calamity

Weapons Of Mass Distraction


Disclaimer! Disclaimer! Disclaimer!

MSBPodcast is "not" any kind of a medical podcast.

It is by and for MSers.

Its purpose is to keep us entertained, to explain our symptoms, to remark on our discoveries, and to raise the general consciousness about our disease.

The path to illness is shadowy, murky and rough strewn.

The path to wellness is lit by the lamp of knowledge.


I have a quick and easy, painless and too to figgin' nosy customer survey that I really, really, really need you to go and fill out.

You can go to my podcast page [ ], click on the button on the left hand side of the page and anonymously answer a few simple questions.

I really need this.

If you've already done this, thanks...


Feedback comes first, so...

What can I say?

I enjoyed finding out about the impending destruction of everything we know and love.

I also enjoyed finding out about the lessons that R. Buckminster Fuller could teach us all about elegance in design.

"Waste not... Want not..." writ large and bold after the little century and a half diversion from our old patterns while oil ruled and we got the benefit of all of that energy .

Lets hope we didn't ruin our selves in the process of the acquisition of that knowledge. Personally, I don't think we did. But now we've got to answer the question "Now What?"


And the video and all of the music on the show come from Jim Fidler, eh?.

He's a Newfie eh? But he's like all famous and everyt'ing...

Its not quite a Nova Scotian, eh?

So I'm not sure Shauna's ever heard of him, but I figure its close enough for government work in the Maritimes, eh?

---- "Number 1 Hospitalitys Pavileon" by: "Jim Fidler"

Feed Forward comes next, so...

This is "your" segment.

Say "your" piece on this segment.

Share with other MSers whatever "you" want to share.

Drop us an email: "charles at"

---- "All I Really Wanted" by: "Jim Fidler"

Feed Me comes third, so...

Do you have a therapy, product, good or service that is of interest to MSers?

Consider advertising on this podcast.

Reminders on this segment only cost $0.03 per reminder per download of an episode. (A $30CPM targeted at MSers.)

It can/should lead to a full ad, in text, audio or video, which costs $3.00 per download.

That sounds expensive until you do the math and realize that if nobody downloads it it costs you nothing, unlike print, where you often can't even get an ad in to the specialized journals, or radio or TV where you'd just be wasting your money with the 0.0833% MSers rate of return. (That's about six times "below" the level of "statistical noise".)

But MSBPodcast is 100% in your market, and you only pay per download of your material.

No play, no pay.

Reach the MSers who would buy your therapy, product, good or service, with-out having to waste your advertising money on anyone who is "not" interested...

Send me an email at: "charles (at)"

---- "Lillian A Portrait In Sound" by: "Jim Fidler"


I'm still growing into this podcasting thing.

Its work, but its fun and its informative.

I think I have figured out how to get advertising to work properly with podcasting (SymLinks all the way baby. Get the ad for a product, for a campaign, for a limited time, placed on the server and everybody SymLinks to it. [When the campaign is over, change the SymLink to point to the next ad for the next campaign for another time-bracketed run.])

Given that IP addresses reside somewhere in physical space as well as in hyperspace, the campaigns can also use geo-location so that they only cover a given geographic area.

---- "Home Comes The Rover" by: "Jim Fidler"


The reason I'm spending so much time thinking about how advertising works is that I enjoy doing it.

Nothing particularly deep, mystical, captivating or even all that serious about it.

I've got the time to devote and I know what it consists of, since I was present at the birth of the internet and of the web (it only dates back to the early nineteen-seventies and mid nineteen-nineties respectively,) and I was a "propeller-headed" "bad boy" (something I'm sure many a caring mother was very conflicted about, being both a "good provider" and a "dangerous type," ["a hot, horny lunatic with a good job," is how one girlfriend from that time described me, {until my first wife took me out of general circulation.}])

My father was, amongst his few careers, an advertising manager for "Merck Sharpe & Dohme" a company that later became "Merck Frosst" and, in the 'States, is now known as the pharmaceutical giant "Merck."

Growing up in the sixties and being dragged to my father's work place, I did what every other dutiful, inquisitive kid did, played with the office equipment and paid attention.

Being of "Martian" character, I did what any other self-respecting propeller-headed geek would do and learned "everything", absorbing by osmosis things that I'm sure my father would have been mortified if he knew that I knew.

But having survived a small, runty childhood to puberty amongst my old "school friends", I had learned the importance of shutting the hell up, keeping my senses open and paying attention.

Since I didn't know what would be important later, I soaked everything up like a sponge mop. A lot of that is crud off of the dirty floor, but sometimes people "spill things."

Later, when I grew a foot in height in a year, bulked up and become quite able of defending myself, I kept the habits that had served me so well and started to enjoy being the "dangerous, hot-looking" geek. Nobody looked past the "dangerous, hot looking" so I could be as smart as I liked.

After a few years diverting my attentions into music, I went back to school to learn "math 'n physics" and pick up computing.

So here I am with a geek's brain, a childhood edumacation in media and advertising, a few years in the music business, thirty years in computing and "in on the ground floor" of the internet. I love to think about all of this stuff.

Now my MS has unfortunately provided me with the time and the opportunity to think about it.

---- "Sleep Marching" by: "Jim Fidler"


I think I have something here.

Apart from broadcast solutions which have their own demographic imperatives, "niche advertising" in the internet age comes in two flavors:

  1. You know what you want so you turn the search engines loose...
  2. You are in a situation where you may not realize that not only is there something "off" (like having MS,) but that there's something that has been done for it.

That's where podcasting can step in.

Of course its starting with "preaching to the converted".

But as the wider world come into contact with it, it just makes so much damn sense.

I'll be happy if I can convert some of "you" to the same vision (of using "iTunes" [ ]) but going back to the "site" [ ] to catch the YouTube videos I have selected.

I'll be even happier to get some sponsors to use the model I'm creating for this podcast to advertise their goods and services.

---- "Merrigans Reel" by: "Jim Fidler"


Sunday, June 29, 2008

msb-fr-0018 Le Temps Qui Passe et Ne Laisse Rien

msb-fr-0018 Le Temps Qui Passe et Ne Laisse Rien

Vint Cerf, ‘Father of the Internet’; Podcasting Is The Future Of Internet Media



Désaveu! Désaveu! Désaveu!

MSBPodcast n'est pas aucune sorte de podcast médical.

Il est produit par et pour des SP'cimens.

Son but est de nous garder divertis, d'expliquer nos symptômes, de remarquer à propos de nos découvertes et d'élever la conscience générale envers notre maladie.

Le sentier à la maladie est ombragé, glauque et parsemé de rugueur.

Le sentier à la pleine forme est allumé par la lampe des connaissances.


J'ai un rapide et facile, sans peine et aussi pas si fouinard que ça formulaire d'enquête que j'ai vraiment, vraiment, vraiment besoin que vous alliez remplir.

Vous pouvez aller à ma page "podcast" [ ], cliquer sur le bouton du côté gauche de la page et répondre anonymement à quelques questions simples.

J'en ai vraiment besoin.


À Moi oûvre le programme...

Cette fois vous ecoutez deux groupes de musiciens de Paris et de Bordeaux.

Oui, j'ai trouvé des Français au PMN; au "Podsafe Music Network".

---- "Cocktail Optimism" par: "Victoria Rummler"

À Vous suit...

Ceci est votre segment.

Dite ce que vous voulez sur ce segment.

Faites part avec d'autre SPcimens n'importe quoi que vous voulez parteger.

Envoyez moi un courriel: "charles à"

---- "Words" par: "Victoria Rummler"

À L'aide est en troisième...

Avez-vous une thérapie, un produit, un bien ou un service qui est d'intérêt aux SP'cimen?

Considérez la publicité sur ce podcast.

Les mémentos sur ce segment coûtent seulement $0.03 par mémento par téléchargement d'une épisode. (Un $30CPM visé à SP'cimen.)

Il peut / devrait causer une annonce complète, en texte, audio ou vidéo, qui coûte $3.00 par téléchargement.

Cela semble cher jusqu'à ce que vous fassiez le calcul et vous vous rendiez compte que si personne ne le télécharge il ne vous coûte rien, à la différence de la presse, où vous ne pouvez pas souvent même placer une annonce dans aux journaux spécialisés, ou la radio ou la TV où vous gaspilleriez votre argent avec un taux de retour de 0.0833% de SP'cimen. (C'est environ six fois "au-dessous" du niveau "de bruit statistique".)

Mais MSBPodcast est 100 % dans votre marché et vous payez seulement par téléchargement de votre matériel.

L'enjeu en vaut la chandelle.

Atteignez les SP'cimens qui achèterait votre thérapie, produit, bien ou service, sans gaspiller votre argent de publicité sur quelqu'un qui n'est "pas" intéressé...

Envoyez moi un courriel: "charles à"

---- "Magic GB Jazz" par: "AjT"


Le video a l'avant de ce posting est important parcequ'il révèle la pensée de Vint Cerf et des autre pioniers de l'internet quand celui ci n'était encore qu'un potentiel inexploré.

Il est malheureusement en Anglais et n'est pas traduit.

---- "Frust" par: "Victoria Rummler"


J'hésite de le faire parceque ca dissout, ou au moin pénètre, les barrières naturelles des languages, mais, en vu la pénurie de materiel Francophone, je ne vois pas d'alternatives.

Les notes de podcast vas contenir la liste de livres Anglais et je vous laisse les problèmes de crier après les maisons d'édition pour obtenir des traductions, ou d'acheter les livres aves les ISBN des éditions Anglaises.

Vint Cerf est un personage très important a l'histoire de l'internet.

Il est un des fondateurs de l'internet et un des guides responsable de sa direction.

Je vous réfère a "Nerds 2.0.1 A Brief History of the Internet" par "Stephen Segaller" ISBN 1-57500-106-3. (Bonne chance, J'ai acheté ce livre en 1998. I'l y a peut-ètre, que dis-je, il y a probablement une nouvelle édition.)

Ce livre raconte l'histoire et donne des petites biographies des personnages qui étais inpliqués dans la création de quelque chose de très improbable.

Si le success a mille parents, l'internet était un projet orphelin dès le debut.

L'objectif étais très mal défini. L'histoire est très convolu, passant du militaire au civil presqu' inappercu. La NASA se recouvrais de Palmes d'Or en mettant des astronautes sur la lune pendant que l'internet passais inaperçu durand la même période.

Mais le programme d'exploration humaine de la NASA est maintenant un sujet désuet dont on parle dans le passé tandis que la conversation se passe probablement sur l'internet.

---- "I Want" par: "Victoria Rummler"


J'hésite encore a le faire mais je vais mettre a liste de lecture a la fin des podcasts Français, en dépit du fait que les livres sont tous Anglais.

Si vous pouvez remplacer les titres Anglais far des titres Français, ne soyez pas genés de m'en faire part.

---- "Burdigala Salsa" par: "AjT"


Friday, June 27, 2008

msb-0319 Emergence by Emergency

msb-0319 Emergence by Emergency

R. Buckminster Fuller

The Buckminster Fuller Challenge - SEE THE MOVIE! from Buckminster Fuller Institute on Vimeo..


Disclaimer! Disclaimer! Disclaimer!

MSBPodcast is "not" any kind of a medical podcast.

It is by and for MSers.

Its purpose is to keep us entertained, to explain our symptoms, to remark on our discoveries, and to raise the general consciousness about our disease.

The path to illness is shadowy, murky and rough strewn.

The path to wellness is lit by the lamp of knowledge.


I have a quick and easy, painless and too to figgin' nosy customer survey that I really, really, really need you to go and fill out.

You can go to my podcast page [ ], click on the button on the left hand side of the page and anonymously answer a few simple questions.

I really need this.

If you've already done this, thanks...


Feedback comes first, so...

I told you in episode 318 that I was seeing a glimmer of hope...

Part of the glimmer come from some of the curves I see as the result of the peaking of oil.

If a rising tide lifts all boats, what happens when the tide recedes, and you're living on the "Bay Of Fundy" [ ] and risk getting stranded?

Will the falling tide of oil revenue precipitate falling tax revenue, and will falling industrial demand precipitate falling tax revenue, and will falling consumer demand precipitate falling tax revenue. (See where I'm going with this?)

Meanwhile, this government's little adventures on the far side of the world has precipitated a rising debt problem wich will shortly become an emergency that makes the sub-prime mortgage crisis look like the laughable joke is was. (Letting "poor people" think they had a chance at owning some "real" estate... [Snort] That's a good one.)

The tax payers, the little guys, (that me and thee) are about to take it in the shorts because Osama got George's goat. (We went from a budget surplus to trillions in debt over that little debacle. [And don't tell me that Osama's still at large because we can't find him when we can find friggin' Frozen Daquiri mix on friggin' Mars. {Look for Osama to turn up like a bad penny on the first of November.}])

---- "Architecture And Design" by: "amb26"

Feed Forward comes next, so...

This is "your" segment.

Say "your" piece on this segment.

Share with other MSers whatever "you" want to share.

Drop us an email: "charles at"

---- "Macroarchitecture" by: "Kernel Drop"

Feed Me comes third, so...

Do you have a therapy, product, good or service that is of interest to MSers?

Consider advertising on this podcast.

Reminders on this segment only cost $0.03 per reminder per download of an episode. (A $30CPM targeted at MSers.)

It can/should lead to a full ad, in text, audio or video, which costs $3.00 per download.

That sounds expensive until you do the math and realize that if nobody downloads it it costs you nothing, unlike print, where you often can't even get an ad in to the specialized journals, or radio or TV where you'd just be wasting your money with the 0.0833% MSers rate of return. (That's about six times "below" the level of "statistical noise".)

But MSBPodcast is 100% in your market, and you only pay per download of your material.

No play, no pay.

Reach the MSers who would buy your therapy, product, good or service, with-out having to waste your advertising money on anyone who is "not" interested...

Send me an email at: "charles (at)"

---- "Dancing To Architecture" by: "Tris McCall"


The principle of "Emergence by Emergency" is a phrase used [ ] by "R. Buckminster Fuller." [ ]

The man was one of my childhood heroes, my role model and a brilliant shining example, a star to me to guide my ship of "self" on.

Fuller was devoted, body and mind, soul and spirit, "Jungian" "persōna" and "animus" to doing the most with the least.

The Dymaxion house, car and map, his space spanning structures, his geodesics and the rest of his space enclosing structures are all realizations of extreme of economy. The principles from which these emerge must be and will be adopted, not by us, that would be too much to hope for, but by anyone who follows after us.

R. Buckminster Fuller himself said: "My ideas have undergone a process of emergence by emergency. When they are needed badly enough, they are accepted."

If we're going to move past the petroleum penury, we have got to accept more of the principles that Fuller elucidated.

(By the way, "tonight, June 27, 2008" I'm off to the "Center for Architecture" of the "American Institute of Architects, New York Chapter" to take part in a "Fuller Film Night and Discussion".)

---- "The Architect" by: "The States"


And what the heck was he talking about anyway?

Fuller was older than the motor car, air plane, airship, antibiotic, steroid compounds, radio signal, recorded sound and was involved in the creation, from whole cloth, of much of the advanced features of the modern world.

He predated most of what we take for granted.

The world he lived in was a much bigger one because all of the people in it were much smaller in real and potential reach and influence.

The world he lived in was a much bigger one because "oil" had not risen to prominence.

His strange sounding vision of what the world could be came about partly because he had to coin new words to describe what he saw in his minds eye. (In this he could have used whatever it was that Chaucer and Shakespeare had because, while they re-formed the entirety of the English language from its distinct Saxon overlaid with Latin, French and some Greek roots, he coined words like "dymaxion", "energetic-synergistic geometry", "geodesic", "octet truss" and "tensegrity" with lexical roots as obscure as they are hard to say.)

But he was concerned with making absolutely maximum use of the minimum amount of materials.

Guess what?

In a world without petroleum propping up archaic and inefficient production methods of production and transportatin, there is an emergency which will cause the emergence of many of the visions of R. Buckminster Fuller.

The man's genius had been in abeyance since the second world war, wating for the emergence of the right emergency. He eventually passed before it came, but its here now.

---- "Constant Architect" by: "Lejeune"


The "post petroleum" world is very much going to emerge by emergency.

Its a shame that Fuller didn't live to see his vision of real efficiency in resource usage vindicated, but vindication is truly his.

---- "My Architects - Lists" by: "The Bakers Arms Dozen - A Fierce Panda Collection"


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

msb-0318 Shauna's Dating Herself

msb-0318 Shauna's Dating Herself

Max Headroom = Song From Art Of Noise called Paranoimia


Disclaimer! Disclaimer! Disclaimer!

MSBPodcast is "not" any kind of a medical podcast.

It is by and for MSers.

Its purpose is to keep us entertained, to explain our symptoms, to remark on our discoveries, and to raise the general consciousness about our disease.

The path to illness is shadowy, murky and rough strewn.

The path to wellness is lit by the lamp of knowledge.


I have a quick and easy, painless and not too figgin' nosy customer survey that I really, really, really need you to go and fill out.

You can go to my podcast "page" [ ], click on the button on the left hand side of the page and anonymously answer a few simple questions.

I really need this.


Feedback comes first, so...

I'm "not" switching topics, but I see a glimmer of hope ... a glow on the horizon ... a direction that we can all change towards.

More in the "next" episode.

---- "First Date" by: "Danko Jones"

Feed Forward comes next, so...

This is "your" segment.

Say "your" piece on this segment.

Share with other MSers whatever "you" want to share.

Drop us an email: "charles at"

---- "Movie Date" by: " Redefining the Moment"

Feed Me comes third, so...

Do you have a therapy, product, good or service that is of interest to MSers?

Consider advertising on this podcast.

Reminders on this segment only cost $0.03 per reminder per download of an episode. (A $30CPM targeted at MSers.)

It can/should lead to a full ad, in text, audio or video, which costs $3.00 per download.

That sounds expensive until you do the math and realize that if nobody downloads it it costs you nothing, unlike print, where you often can't even get an ad in to the specialized journals, or radio or TV where you'd just be wasting your money with the 0.0833% MSers rate of return. (That's about six times "below" the level of "statistical noise".)

But MSBPodcast is 100% in your market, and you only pay per download of your material.

No play, no pay.

Reach the MSers who would buy your therapy, product, good or service, with-out having to waste your advertising money on anyone who is "not" interested...

Send us an email at: "charles (at)"

---- "Robert Lund - My Men's Room Date's A Senator" by: "The FuMP"


Shauna's dating.

I know... Isn't that ever so sweet?

Heck I was married with MS... Twice.

It has never been a factor in my personal life.

My professional life... Yeah.

Right now MS is an absolute bitch.

Not for the potential employers. Even if they wanted me, the HMOs threaten to jack up everybody's premiums and that's a very effective barrier isn't it.

So now I'm slowly going through my life's savings. Good thing I have less life to go through than savings. (I hope.)

---- "Date with the rain" by: "37Hz"


The Dating Game

The dating scene is tough enough for most of us. Add to that a diagnosis of MS (or any chronic illness for that matter) and it can be a little more than discouraging.

About 5 years ago, I began online dating. Honestly, I had a blast. I met some incredible jerks and some really great guys and I had some of the funniest dating stories to share with friends. It was never an issue for me to tell my dates that I had MS, most of them, anyway.

It does not define me, but where I am so involved in fundraising for the MS Society and making public appearances for the cause, it is extremely important to me.

On your online profile you are supposed to indicate hair and eye colour, body type or size, likes, dislikes, etc. If you are on a disabled online dating site, you may be asked to disclose your disability.

But what if your disability or condition isn't quite so obvious? Like with MS. Many of us are not disabled and I couldn't in good conscience join one of those sites. So do you say on your profile that you have MS? Or is that akin to saying you have three heads? If I read a guy's profile and it said he had kids under the age of 18, I immediately crossed him off the list (I was not interested in dating someone with kids that young). Should I hold it against someone who would immediately cross me off his list after having read I have MS?

I did not indicate on my profile that I have MS. But it would be brought up in either online conversation or on our first meeting. Nobody ran away screaming, but a few guys were put off right away. Such is life. Some guys confused MS with MD. Some guys appeared not to be concerned about it, and that bothered me. Of all the guys I dated only one has become an actual friend.

And one has become more than a friend 

John clicked with me from almost the very beginning. He had a friend with MS and his mom was a neuro nurse. He has since become the love of my life. And he gives me a shot in my backside every week. (That reminds me...I'll have to write a post soon about the medication I take for the MS)

 I guess the reason for writing this is to show that you can have a social life with MS.

Choosing to have a social life may be the hardest part.

---- "First Date" by: "Greg Federico"


Strange isn't it?

Having MS has never put my love/personal life on hold.

I just figured it was a part of growing up. (My father was one of Québec's first dialysis recipient under the Canadian socialized health policy. I just grew up with it. It was no big deal.)

Its only a big deal here in the 'States.

That's because they aren't very realistic down here.

How immature...

Everybody dies, but you'd never know it here in the 'States.

Everybody gets sick, but you'd never know it here in the 'States.

Some people stay sick too, but you'd never know it here in the 'States.

Its all white teeth, white skin and the sun shines outta my ass, here in the 'States.

At least that the lie the life contestants tell each other as they drag each other on the dance floor while they pretend not to hear the horses getting shot and being ground into 'burgers...

---- "The Rosochacha" by: "Greg Federico"


Monday, June 23, 2008

msb-0317 Shedding Weight

msb-0317 Shedding Weight

Worlds Most Amazing Instrument


Disclaimer! Disclaimer! Disclaimer!

MSBPodcast is "not" any kind of a medical podcast.

It is by and for MSers.

Its purpose is to keep us entertained, to explain our symptoms, to remark on our discoveries, and to raise the general consciousness about our disease.

The path to illness is shadowy, murky and rough strewn.

The path to wellness is lit by the lamp of knowledge.


I have a quick and easy, painless and too to figgin' nosy customer survey that I really, really, really need you to go and fill out.

You can go to my podcast page [ ], click on the button on the left hand side of the page and anonymously answer a few simple questions.

I really need this.

If you've already done this, thanks...


Feedback comes first, so...

"King Kong", [ ] the 800 lb Gorilla in the room, gives an inkling about the sheer mass of the shit storm that will befall us all once we reach peak oil. (If you don't think we have, come up with a better explanation for why the price of oil has gone inexorably from pennies to over $140 per barrel. Greed from speculator was always there but it couldn't take advantage of the situation until a shortage was perceivable.)

In effect, the Sanitation Department crew, waiting at the foot of the Empire State Building once the Animal Control Department's situation had been dealt with, was stuck with the ginormous and extremely unglamorous problem or carting the wreckage away.

And it gets worse.

We're still at the Animal Control stage of the script.

---- "Silent But Deadly" b y: "Baron Von Lichtenstein"

Feed Forward comes next, so...

This is "your" segment.

Say "your" piece on this segment.

Share with other MSers whatever "you" want to share.

Drop us an email: "charles at"

This rightfully belongs here...

Go to "Brass Ivory" [ ] and read the humorous, moving, angry (I prefer to think of them as as righteously indignant,) messages from the various MSers out there.

We range the gamut of emotions in our reaction to our disease, we MSers.

---- "Dead" by: "Delphinium Blue"

Feed Me comes third, so...

Do you have a therapy, product, good or service that is of interest to MSers?

Consider advertising on this podcast.

Reminders on this segment only cost $0.03 per reminder per download of an episode. (A $30CPM targeted at MSers.)

It can/should lead to a full ad, in text, audio or video, which costs $3.00 per download.

That sounds expensive until you do the math and realize that if nobody downloads it it costs you nothing, unlike print, where you often can't even get an ad in to the specialized journals, or radio or TV where you'd just be wasting your money with the 0.0833% MSers rate of return. (That's about six times "below" the level of "statistical noise".)

But MSBPodcast is 100% in your market, and you only pay per download of your material.

No play, no pay.

Reach the MSers who would buy your therapy, product, good or service, with-out having to waste your advertising money on anyone who is "not" interested...

Send me an email at: "charles (at)"

---- "Rock is Dead" by: "Jeff Mallon"


King Kong wasn't the only 800 lb Gorilla in the room, but he could suck the joy, as well as the oxygen, out of any enclosed space.

The other gorilla in the room is one that dwarfs King Kong like he was a flea on "Curious George"'s ass. [ ]

Peak oil also presages peak human population.

---- "The Man Wants Me Dead" by: "Byther Smith"


Let me do some back of the envelope math here. (C'mon adults, its really simple. Don't get all "glazed over" on me now.)

There are 6.3 billion people (at 120lb [or 60 kilos] per person on average that works out to 756,000,000,000lbs [or 378,000,000,000 kg]) of human meat alive today, right now.)

The problem is that keeping the 756,000,000,000lbs [or 378,000,000,000 kg] alive will each require hundreds of tons of fodder over their average 56 to 64 year life-span. (Average means that your aunt Millie living to 87 years old was probably balanced out by someone dying at age thirty two in some god forsaken Hell hole where he was already an old man until the arrogant authorities caught up with him and taught him an up close and personal lesson about agrarian reform and recycling of waste.

Its inevitable that life expectancy is about to crash as oil becomes unaffordable.

One of the many things that the use of oil brought was the increase in food production, (without which, I'll grant you, we'd never have got in this mess. [But we have, so "deal with it, ok?"])

I'm not worried about me. I had already made the conscious decision to not go swimming in the gene pool in case there was some heritable component to MS. (While the jury is still out, it seems that the cause of my MS was more a question of nurture rather than nature.)

But for the breeders out there, its going to be a rough adjustment. Rough but inevitable.

The alternative is stupidly running out of road and going over the edge of a cliff in the family station wagon with the whole family inside. (Actually its a slower and far more agonizing death than a quick crash as you hit bottom both figuratively and literally, but just as prematurely fatal.)

For examples of this kind of collapse, look no further than the inhabitants of "Easter Island" who lived on an island capable of supporting about 10,000 people, numbered a mere 4,000 in 1722 when the Europeans came a calling again and registereda scant 110 a mere seventy years later at the beginning of the nineteenth century.

This was after they had chopped all their forest to make rollers for their "Aku Aku" and then greeted the pox laden pustulent white man with open arms, shortly before waving goobye to the visitors to their distant shores and shortly thereafter, uh, dropping like flies.

From 10,000 souls at peak, to 4,ooo sustained survivors, to 110 wretches post-discovery by "Whitey."

Meeting us was far more calamitous than even chopping down all their trees and effectively standing themselves on a speck of dirt at the ass-end of the world.

The biomass is hitting the rotating impeller and we'd better adjust or we'll go extinct.

On the positive side, it means the death of the phrase "be fruitful and multiply."

Sex will become purely for pleasure rather than the procreative burden its always been up 'til now...

Not to pique your prurient interests but there'll be more on that on an another episode.

---- "Dead In The Water" by: "AMUC"


The structure of society is unsustainable at its current non-renewable consumption levels.

This is a problem we've been ignoring since we started this silliness back in the middle of the nineteenth century because there was cheap available oil energy to cope with the ever expanding population, the ever expanding economies in Europe and in North America and recently the rest of the world has jumped on a bandwagon that is too small for it and its only shrinking day by day.

We can either go away and become extinct, (not a very palatable solution if you're the species that is going extinct,) or "deal with the coming population contraction." (A euphemism for a die off where almost, but not everybody, has to go [actually everybody end up going at some point, but it is usually not all at the same time. {That's called "extinction".}])

---- "polka deadman" by: "mad shad"


Sunday, June 22, 2008

msb-fr-0017 Pantagruelesque

msb-fr-0017 Pantagruelesque

Brigitte Fontaine - Genre humain

Marianne Faithfull, Broken English


Désaveu! Désaveu! Désaveu!

MSBPodcast n'est pas aucune sorte de podcast médical.

Il est produit par et pour des SP'cimens.

Son but est de nous garder divertis, d'expliquer nos symptômes, de remarquer à propos de nos découvertes et d'élever la conscience générale envers notre maladie.

Le sentier à la maladie est ombragé, glauque et parsemé de rugueur.

Le sentier à la pleine forme est allumé par la lampe des connaissances.


J'ai un rapide et facile, sans peine et aussi pas si fouinard que ça formulaire d'enquête que j'ai vraiment, vraiment, vraiment besoin que vous alliez remplir.

Vous pouvez aller à ma page "podcast" [ ], cliquer sur le bouton du côté gauche de la page et répondre anonymement à quelques questions simples.

J'en ai vraiment besoin.


À Moi oûvre le programme...

J'm'la ferme.

Et b'en except' pour vous dire que j'ai découvert le groupe "SCANLAN" et je les aime beaucoup.

Ils ont un cetain "je ne sais quoi" qui m'intrigue.

J'ai la même sensasion a l'écouter que j'avais enecoutant "Brigite Fontaine" [ ] et en écoutant "Marianne Faithfull". [ ]

---- "Ive been told - 2am mix" par: "SCANLAN"

À Vous suit...

Ceci est votre segment.

Dite ce que vous voulez sur ce segment.

Faites part avec d'autre SPcimens n'importe quoi que vous voulez parteger.

Envoyez moi un courriel: "charles à"

---- "Bikeride" par: "SCANLAN"

À L'aide est en troisième...

Avez-vous une thérapie, un produit, un bien ou un service qui est d'intérêt aux SP'cimen?

Considérez la publicité sur ce podcast.

Les mémentos sur ce segment coûtent seulement $0.03 par mémento par téléchargement d'une épisode. (Un $30CPM visé à SP'cimen.)

Il peut / devrait causer une annonce complète, en texte, audio ou vidéo, qui coûte $3.00 par téléchargement.

Cela semble cher jusqu'à ce que vous fassiez le calcul et vous vous rendiez compte que si personne ne le télécharge il ne vous coûte rien, à la différence de la presse, où vous ne pouvez pas souvent même placer une annonce dans aux journaux spécialisés, ou la radio ou la TV où vous gaspilleriez votre argent avec un taux de retour de 0.0833% de SP'cimen. (C'est environ six fois "au-dessous" du niveau "de bruit statistique".)

Mais MSBPodcast est 100 % dans votre marché et vous payez seulement par téléchargement de votre matériel.

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Envoyez moi un courriel: "charles à"

---- "Zias Song" par: "SCANLAN"


Il reste un problème de taille Pantagruelique, enorme et vorace, une fois qu'on élimine l'huile de l'équation de la vie moderne.

Que faire avec tout ce monde que l'on ne peut plus nourrir.

---- "Rosie" par: "SCANLAN"


Dans la nature, l'épuisement de resource naturelle indispensable a la vie, que ce soit l'eau ou le sol, est suivi par use contraction de la population qui dépendait sur cette resource.

Comme pour les indigenes sur l,"Ile de Paque", [ ] quand ils avait coupés tous les arbres sur l'ile pour rouler leur "Aku Aku" [ ] en place qui on vu leur mode de vie disparaite et, puisqu'il ne connaissait rien de l'écologie hydrologique, ils on vu la vie de leurs enfants disparaitre en même temps.

La population serait passée d'une capacitée maximale estimée a approximativement dix milles, réduite a quatre mille (en 1722), et décimée a cent-dix personnes a tour du dix-neuvième siècle, jusqu'a temps qu'ils soient revenus a l'oeil du publique avec le voyage du "Kon-Tiki" [ ] de "Thor Heyerdahl". [ ]

Mais je ne veut pas penser a la misère de la population entre 1722 et 1800 quand 29 sur 30 sont mort.

---- "Life" par: "SCANLAN"


Rabelais a décrit le problème en une seule phrase.

Si nous sommes Gargatua, il faut qu'on réalise que la planète ne poura pas supporter Pantagruel.

---- "It is you" par: "SCANLAN"


Friday, June 20, 2008

msb-0316 The "Nuclear Meltdown Family"

msb-0316 The "Nuclear Meltdown Family"

Daft Punk Discovery Helmets


Disclaimer! Disclaimer! Disclaimer!

MSBPodcast is "not" any kind of a medical podcast.

It is by and for MSers.

Its purpose is to keep us entertained, to explain our symptoms, to remark on our discoveries, and to raise the general consciousness about our disease.

The path to illness is shadowy, murky and rough strewn.

The path to wellness is lit by the lamp of knowledge.


I have a quick and easy, painless and too to figgin' nosy customer survey that I really, really, really need you to go and fill out.

You can go to my podcast "page" [ ], click on the button on the left hand side of the page and anonymously answer a few simple questions.

I really need this.

If you've already done this, thanks...


Feedback comes first, so...

There are a number of web sites on oil and on renewable energy.

One of the "best" is called "The Oil Drum." [ ] They have podcasts and a good media distribution mechanism (lots of books and links.)

And we'll get back to 'em soon.

Basically, renewable energy is any energy that you get a net "gain" from. (If your ass is getting shot off in foreign parts, you might not be willing to define "gain" in quite the same way.)

Part of the problem is is that the gain is quite probably less that what you get from oil.

Pound per pound, oil is just about ideal for both the conveyance and the generation of energy.

But this show is not about that this time, this show is about the re-formation or revival of the nuclear family but its going to be somewhat changed by necessity.

---- "Clockwork Family" by: "Dan Warren"

Feed Forward comes next, so...

This is "your" segment.

Say "your" piece on this segment.

Share with other MSers whatever "you" want to share.

Drop us an email: "charles at"

To [name withheld] (you're going to torture me like this, ain't cha?) The New York Times had an "article" [ ] about the biggest stumbling block to the adoption of computerized patient records being the doctors themselves.

Benefit to the patients be damned, doctors are "not" going to invest in themselves or in their profession.

The uptake in computerized patient records occur when firms reach a number of doctors large enough to make them targets of lawsuits. (When you have enough doctors, [like 50 or so,] you know one of them is going to screw up and maybe somebody'll end up taking a dirt nap. The cost benefit says that then you computerize. That way you can roil the waters with a computer shaped paddle.)

Notice how benefit to the patient is never mentioned... Its of no benefit to the doctor.

---- "Twisted Family Ties" by: "Delina"

Feed Me comes third, so...

Do you have a therapy, product, good or service that is of interest to MSers?

Consider advertising on this podcast.

Reminders on this segment only cost $0.03 per reminder per download of an episode. (A $30CPM targeted at MSers.)

It can/should lead to a full ad, in text, audio or video, which costs $3.00 per download.

That sounds expensive until you do the math and realize that if nobody downloads it it costs you nothing, unlike print, where you often can't even get an ad in to the specialized journals, or radio or TV where you'd just be wasting your money with the 0.0833% MSers rate of return. (That's about six times "below" the level of "statistical noise".)

But MSBPodcast is 100% in your market, and you only pay per download of your material.

No play, no pay.

Reach the MSers who would buy your therapy, product, good or service, with-out having to waste your advertising money on anyone who is "not" interested...

Send me an email at: "charles (at)"

---- "Family Relations" by: "Ernie Payne"


The coming energy shift, (its not a crisis, its a shift, get a grip on yourself,) means a lot of things are going to have to change.

The 800 pound gorilla in the room is that the population has to drop from its level current of 6.5 billion down to about 2 billion. Fortunately time will take care of this. Unfortunately, that means that a lot of people are "not" going to be realistic about it. Time heals all wounds and wounds all heels.

I'm am seriously not upset about the fact that two thirds of the population is going away, eventually three thirds of the population is headed for a dirt nap.

But the remaining third has got to do better than we did.

The first thing that's going to have to go is the idea of being, uh, "fruitful and multiplying".

Its counter indicated for now and it won't be a good idea later when the population has stabilized at something sustainable "post-petroleum".

The next thing that's going to have to go is the idea of a suburban/urban population.

In the economies of scale the urbs have it.

The suburbs are not going disappear but the idea of a commute is very much past its "sell by date".

---- "Family Vacation" by: "The Four Bags"


Lets examine the processes as play here.

On the one hand, we have an inescapable fact. Oil is "not" a renewable resource. (Oh I know about the modified "e. coli bacteria" that are happily excreting crude oil in a lab in California, but I don't think that it will get to be more than a replacement for our industrial uses for oil, [namely making lubricants and fertilizer.])

On the other hand we have a plethora of denials, delusions, faiths (literally as well as figuratively) beliefs, disbeliefs, doubts and doubters.

Frankly, there are a lot of people who have a lot to lose if we don't do this right and rush things beyond necessity.

"But not as much as they stand to lose if we don't do anything."

That things will work themselves out is a given.

That things will go on without us is also a given, for a few billion years anyway. (Then the sun runs out of hydrogen.)

But I'd prefer an immediate future where human beings are "not" extinct.

That means if we're not going to go away entirely, or devolve into a few random clusters of hominids, we've got to come to some understanding.

Technology doesn't have to disappear and it probably won't.

But the sense of "the yawning open road" probably has to and will. The wanderlust that seized the imagination of the average AmeriCanadian, reinforced by the Jack Kerouac's "On The Road" is going to return to its humbler origins of the wandering minstrel.

No to mention that the internet infrastructure makes communication possible, so the bad parts of alienation, ignorance, isolation and loneliness are not going to drag us down.

We can share in a larger sense of belonging and of family because, as the world grows again, as the means of transport become prohibitively expensive, we will be united in a mesh of glass fibers.

---- "Family of Strangers" by: "Steve Stellavato"


The population on the earth will have to shrink as it simply can't be maintained.

In some cases, its going to be a sensible process.

People will simply forgo the survival of their own personal genetic lines in favor of survival of some kind, of some "kin". They will ... collaborate. Child rearing will become communal and people will share in the pleasure as well as the sheer work that bringing a new life into the world entails. Being an uncle or aunt will mean more than it currently does.

In other cases its going to be an incredibly messy business.

People will engage in spectacular acts of barbarism and senseless misbehavior simply because they didn't "get the memo" that the oil's running out or they plumb didn't believe it. And, boy are they going to be "pissed"!

Sadly, competition for any scarce resource is pretty much guaranteed to bring out the worst in people.

Its not going to be pretty.

Luckily, because there won't be any oil left, its pretty much self-limiting and the pockets of such behavior won't be spreading.

---- "Family and Friends" by: "Rob Szabo"


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

msb-0315 Shauna Rides On

msb-0315 Shauna Rides On

I'm Voting Republican


Disclaimer! Disclaimer! Disclaimer!

MSBPodcast is "not" any kind of a medical podcast.

It is by and for MSers.

Its purpose is to keep us entertained, to explain our symptoms, to remark on our discoveries, and to raise the general consciousness about our disease.

The path to illness is shadowy, murky and rough strewn.

The path to wellness is lit by the lamp of knowledge.


I have a quick and easy, painless and not too figgin' nosy customer survey that I really, really, really need you to go and fill out.

You can go to my podcast "page" [ ], click on the button on the left hand side of the page and anonymously answer a few simple questions.

I really need this.


Feedback comes first, so...

First, I want to apologize to Shana for the video at the front of this post but it was so darn funny that I just had to include it.

Next, I'm going to try cleaning up the mess my friend made to the database of my "wiki" [ ] because, well just because. (Yup. Letting a manager actually "do" something in North America is usually a recipe for disaster. :-)

Lastly, I'd really appreciate it if my anybody hearing this would go to my "Podcast site" [ ] and take the audience survey.

I'm trying things out with Wizzard Media and I figure the first thing to do is get you to tell them you actually exist and that I haven't downloaded the 75 thousand podcasts (to date!) by myself.

---- "Bike" by: "Steve Dreher and Friends"

Feed Forward comes next, so...

This is "your" segment.

Say "your" piece on this segment.

Share with other MSers whatever "you" want to share.

Drop us an email: "charles at"

---- "Backpack bike-ride" by: "Audiofinger"

Feed Me comes third, so...

Do you have a therapy, product, good or service that is of interest to MSers?

Consider advertising on this podcast.

Reminders on this segment only cost $0.03 per reminder per download of an episode. (A $30CPM targeted at MSers.)

It can/should lead to a full ad, in text, audio or video, which costs $3.00 per download.

That sounds expensive until you do the math and realize that if nobody downloads it it costs you nothing, unlike print, where you often can't even get an ad in to the specialized journals, or radio or TV where you'd just be wasting your money with the 0.0833% MSers rate of return. (That's about six times "below" the level of "statistical noise".)

But MSBPodcast is 100% in your market, and you only pay per download of your material.

No play, no pay.

Reach the MSers who would buy your therapy, product, good or service, with-out having to waste your advertising money on anyone who is "not" interested...

Send us an email at: "charles (at)"

---- "Diamond Bike" by: "Offcutts"


Shauna rides a bike and so did I until I moved to Ottawa back in the eighties.

I used to ride it "everywhere", all the time, and in any weather. (Much to the amusement of my friends who used to make fun of the "black stripe" that ran down my back after a ride in the rain.)

Montréal is a city built around a mountain too so there was a lot of hill climbing and coasting.

I used to love coasting down "Atwater Street" and speeding past cars by the bottom of a very "l-o-n-g" hill.

(You had to pick your lane, do it when there wasn't too much traffic and time it just right so that you went through the street lights during a green light sequence. Man ... "Syzygy" ... I loved doing that. "University Street" was steeper and wider but it was shorter and there was always more traffic. :-)

I used to work and commute on both those streets so I got to be intimate with the pavement... (Sometimes face first... [ "Ouch!" {I admit it. I was bat shit crazy! -"-}])

---- "Bikeride" by: "SCANLAN"


Because of unrelated health issues, I have been unable to ride my bike since April 30th.

Keeping my fingers crossed, I'm going to try a little the first week of June (maybe even as you are reading this) to get ready for the MS Bike Tour. I have been doing a little prep work in advance of getting on the bike, mainly gardening with lots of up and downs, and stairs.
I have mentioned that before I even began riding I spent two months at the gym (makes me sound sooooo athletic, doesn't it?). My reasoning was that I wanted to be able to get on the bike and not be discouraged by lack of physical fitness. And to a degree it worked. I was able to go much farther than I thought I'd be able. The only problem was the seat. I wanted to be comfortable on a bike seat for long periods of time, and at my leisurely pace a regular bike seat just wasn't going to cut it.

The search began for something like a tractor seat. I'm not kidding, either. That's how I phrased it when I went in to Sport Wheels in Lower Sackville. The owner thought about it for a minute, then said, "I've got just the thing". And he came back with the biggest bike seat I've ever seen. It's about a foot across. He told me he got one for his mom's exercise bike. So now I'm feeling a little bit old and decrepit, but I bought it and put it on the bike. Simply put, it is one of the most comfortable seats I've ever sat on. And I don't care how silly it looks (and it does). It generates a lot of interest by on-lookers, I've gotten a few smiles from people, and few expressions of interest in buying it. I often offer to let folks try sitting on it. One day while taking the bike off the car 3 boys came by on skateboards. "Whoa, dudes.....look at the pimped out bike!" At least a few preteens thought I was cool.

I think I understand the reasoning and the physics behind some of those extraordinary bike seats I've seen, you know the ones with holes in them or specially designed to accomodate male genitalia, or the one with the two teeny tiny little pads for a teeny tiny little butt. And I know that speed demons spend little time resting on their laurels, so to speak. I can't imagine getting on one of those things. My giant seat did the trick for my first year of riding. I got a fairly large gel seat for last year's bike tour on my hybrid, but my tractor seat will stay on the mountain bike. The whole point of being more comfortable was to stay longer on the bike and therefore get more exercise. It worked! Someday, I may have a bike built for speed and one of those high tech seats, but I'm no Lance Armstrong and I'm not in a race. I just want to stay upright, finish if I can, and raise money for a worthy cause.

---- "Brown Bike" by: "Nortec Collective"


Oh god. I'm sitting here typing this with a "huge" grin on my face.

I hadn't thought of my bike and biking in years.

Its a miracle I'm still alive after some of the shit I pulled on those bikes, (which sometimes involved their complete and utter annihilation, so its quite the plural. [One of them is buried in the concrete wall of the foundation of a famous Montréal landmark. {Its along Atwater street. I won't tell you how fast I was going when I wiped out, but it had to make quite a jump to get to where the concrete was being poured. :-}])

---- "Yellow Bike" by: "Tracy Jane Come"


Look at this "link" and it'll make you sick with how we've treated this planet with indifference. [ ]

Monday, June 16, 2008

msb-0314 Leather, Rinse, Repeat.

msb-0314 Leather, Rinse, Repeat.

Big Buck Bunny from Blender Foundation on Vimeo.

From the podcasting "site" [ ] that I found this item at:
"Big Buck Bunny is an animated short, released under the Creative Common Attribution license.

The film is about “a giant rabbit with a heart bigger than himself. When one sunny day three rodents rudely harass him, something snaps… and the rabbit ain’t no bunny anymore! In the typical cartoon tradition he prepares the nasty rodents a comical revenge.”

The film is a project of the Blender Foundation. Blender is a free open source 3D content creation suite.

This “open movie” project had as main targets:

  • Developing tools in Blender for editing and rendering hair, fur or grass
  • Improve character animation tools for cartoonish motion and deformation
  • Test Blender with giant outdoor environments, with large grassy fields and many trees with leaves
  • Further validate Blender as a professional animation creation suite

And secondary:

  • Create a great and good looking animation short, licensed freely as open content
  • Provide content for other artists to learn from or to re-use, including documentation and tutorials

It’s a cool project - and it’s an animated flick that’s free for you to remix and reuse!"


Disclaimer! Disclaimer! Disclaimer!

MSBPodcast is "not" any kind of a medical podcast.

It is by and for MSers.

Its purpose is to keep us entertained, to explain our symptoms, to remark on our discoveries, and to raise the general consciousness about our disease.

The path to illness is shadowy, murky and rough strewn.

The path to wellness is lit by the lamp of knowledge.


Feedback comes first, so...

The messages I bring are so dark that I figured a little levity was in order for the video at the front of this posting.

But I'm feeling a little disoriented by everything I have learned over the past few weeks.

And, yes, I am aware of "this" [ ] article about oil excreting bacteria.

I don't think we'll solve the energy crisis with it, but it could take care of our need for lubricants.

---- "Bunnyrabbits, Satan, Cheese and Milk" by: "Stark Effect"

Feed Forward comes next, so...

This is "your" segment.

Say "your" piece on this segment.

Share with other MSers whatever "you" want to share.

Drop us an email: "charles at"

---- "The bubble man" by: "Joshua Kadison"

Feed Me comes third, so...

Do you have a therapy, product, good or service that is of interest to MSers?

Consider advertising on this podcast.

Reminders on this segment only cost $0.03 per reminder per download of an episode. (A $30CPM targeted at MSers.)

It can/should lead to a full ad, in text, audio or video, which costs $3.00 per download.

That sounds expensive until you do the math and realize that if nobody downloads it it costs you nothing, unlike print, where you often can't even get an ad in to the specialized journals, or radio or TV where you'd just be wasting your money with the 0.0833% MSers rate of return. (That's about six times "below" the level of "statistical noise".)

But MSBPodcast is 100% in your market, and you only pay per download of your material.

No play, no pay.

Reach the MSers who would buy your therapy, product, good or service, with-out having to waste your advertising money on anyone who is "not" interested...

Send us an email at: "charles (at)"

---- "Bunny Boiler" by: "Pablo Eskimo"


To recap from the last episode:

The reality of "Peak Oil" [ ] is almost upon the world. (If it hasn't happened already, but we're still waiting for the news from politicians, [people who have a worse bedside manner than our neurologists.])

Debatably, the "Hubbert Peak Theory" [ ] elucidated by "M. King Hubbert" [ ] may have already passed, but lets pretend that its still looming in front of us, like the first hump of a "roller coaster" [ ] at "Magic Mountain" [ ] about to send us down a real scary ride... (It has no guard rails, no inspectors, no ride operators to sue when the biomass hits the rotating impeller. Its really not safe and quite a few of us have already died, crushed into paste under its tank treads.)

There's a book, there usually is, where "Richard Heinberg" noted his observations that "The Party's Over" ISBN: 0-86571-482.

---- "Bubblegum and Beer" by: "Supersuckers"


In 242 pages + end notes, a bibliography and an index, Mr. Heinberg manages to deflate the accomplishments of the past century and a half and depress the hell out of anybody who thinks that its just going to go on the same as it has been.

Its not a particularly fun read. (Sort of like my diagnosis was not a fun read.)

But after spending the first 5 charters and 200 pages establishing how oil got into our lives over the past one hundred and fifty years and altered almost every aspect of out power structures, the books launches into how we're going to have to manage the collapse of those power structures.

If we do this with a modicum of intelligence, the changes don't have to be the equivalent to Afghanistan under "Mullah Omar". (Shoot me now, because its just a question of time before he'd order his zealots to do it.)

The questions are myriad and the answers are always going to be "yes!"
  • Yes, we're going to have to do everything in a sustainable manner and
  • yes, we're going to have to factor in things like the energy required at every step of a product's life cycle, and
  • yes, we're going to have fond memories of airline travel, private travel and even rapid travel, and
  • yes, we're going to hate to commute and share the rides,
  • yes, we're about to say goodbye to living in the suburbs, except for retirement communities,
  • yes, we're going to have to recycle because we're no longer able to afford the cost of hauling away trash, and
  • yes, we're going to have to deal with the resentment of everybody on the planet,
  • yes, we're going to wave bye bye to fruits and veggies from everywhere on the planet,
  • yes, we're going to get used to eating locally grown varieties, (which tends to be an oxymoron, variety will be limited to whatever you can order from a seed catalog and grow in farms and co-ops like the one my wife and I belong to,) and
  • yes, we're going to have to get over having the kinds of hospital expenditures we've got now, (the HMOs are going to be absolute Hell to deal with as prices rise,) and
  • yes there are all kinds of things that are going to have to change and,
  • yes, we're looking at a few major plagues and other ecological disasters that we won't be able to avoid, (floods in low lying areas, typhoons and hurricanes leaving more cities like New Orleans and leaving entire countries like Myanmar/Burma, earthquakes shattering economies like in China's south...)
The list goes on, but basically you're going to be left to rely on your own physical resources.

But, and this is the biggest and heaviest "but" we're ever going to have, we'll have a wealth of information at our fingertips since, while the schools may have to move because there's no more "energy in the budget", we've still laid down the foundations of the next economy, the next world order, in shining glass strands,

We're looking at hydro-electricity and bandwidth becoming becoming essential to life in the post-oil world.

---- "muskbubble" by: "angelpig"


Basically, we're fucked. No ifs, ands or buts. We're "screwed, blued an' tattooed".

I hope you enjoyed the past hundred and fifty years because, like the man wrote about: "The Party's Over".

"The Fat Lady done sang".

"Les bons temps on roules."

(I could do the whole "Monty Python, Dead Parrot" skit, replacing the word "Parrot" with "Way Of Life" but, as part of conserving my own energy, I won't bother.)

Oil was called a non-renewable resource for a reason. And now, there ain't no more. In fact there only "less and less".

Its just going to go from expensive to difficult to impossible to maintain this current lifestyle as the scarce resource gets fought over more and more trying to get at the shrinking slick.

Before you give up the shipthough, remember, there is "a realistic hope".
  • Not the optimist's "blind faith", (Your politicians are not asleep at the switch but not only are they not dealing with a full deck, but they're trying to play a different game, and hoping that nobody'll notice,)
  • not the pessimist's "bitchy semi-resignation", (We're all fucked, its all [insert name of world leader]'s fault, screw 'em all anyway,)
  • but the "realist's assessment" ("Okay, what do we need to do to salvage whatever we can possibly salvage".)
Its "not" all "going to hell in a hand basket", but it will "change".

Things will require adaptation to a more measured and carefully paced life style.

We MSers are quite used drastic change.

Its a question of our condition, which may go from bad to worse and back again in a matter of hours.

Uncertainty is our existential condition.

The future belongs to those who can hold their heads while others all around will be losing theirs (in many tragic cases, quite literally.)

---- "bubblegumpopshit..." by: "Psykosoul"


Sunday, June 15, 2008

msb-fr-0016 Le Mensonge

msb-fr-0016 Le Mensonge

Daft Punk Technologic Liquid Dance by LPEric



Désaveu! Désaveu! Désaveu!

MSBPodcast n'est pas aucune sorte de podcast médical.

Il est produit par et pour des SP'cimens.

Son but est de nous garder divertis, d'expliquer nos symptômes, de remarquer à propos de nos découvertes et d'élever la conscience générale envers notre maladie.

Le sentier à la maladie est ombragé, glauque et parsemé de rugueur.

Le sentier à la pleine forme est allumé par la lampe des connaissances.


À Moi oûvre le programme...

Je n'ai rien de personel a réveler.

---- "All Lies" par: "(De La Vega) Ivy League"

À Vous suit...

Ceci est votre segment.

Dite ce que vous voulez sur ce segment.

Faites part avec d'autre SPcimens n'importe quoi que vous voulez parteger.

Envoyez moi un courriel: "charles à"

---- "Cigarettes and Lies" par: "The Essentials"

À L'aide est en troisième...

Avez-vous une thérapie, un produit, un bien ou un service qui est d'intérêt aux SP'cimen?

Considérez la publicité sur ce podcast.

Les mémentos sur ce segment coûtent seulement $0.03 par mémento par téléchargement d'une épisode. (Un $30CPM visé à SP'cimen.)

Il peut / devrait causer une annonce complète, en texte, audio ou vidéo, qui coûte $3.00 par téléchargement.

Cela semble cher jusqu'à ce que vous fassiez le calcul et vous vous rendiez compte que si personne ne le télécharge il ne vous coûte rien, à la différence de la presse, où vous ne pouvez pas souvent même placer une annonce dans aux journaux spécialisés, ou la radio ou la TV où vous gaspilleriez votre argent avec un taux de retour de 0.0833% de SP'cimen. (C'est environ six fois "au-dessous" du niveau "de bruit statistique".)

Mais MSBPodcast est 100 % dans votre marché et vous payez seulement par téléchargement de votre matériel.

L'enjeu en vaut la chandelle.

Atteignez les SP'cimens qui achèterait votre thérapie, produit, bien ou service, sans gaspiller votre argent de publicité sur quelqu'un qui n'est "pas" intéressé...

Envoyez moi un courriel: "charles à"

---- "Beautiful Lies" par: "Nefrit El-Or"


Je regrette que mon Français ne soit pas a la taille de la tâche de vous parler de ce qu'il va ce passer et de ce qu'il sera demander de vous.

Je ne peut qu'esperer que vous prenderez les étapes nécessaires pour vous informer.

---- "Lies" par: "chasing red"


Le monde Francophone est très chanceux en Amérique du Nord et en Europe.

Le Québec a "La Grande Rivière," une source d'énergie renouvelable hydro-electrique enorme. Elle s'appuie sur la gravité.

La France a ses centrales nucléaires de conception standardisées et très sûr. Elle produit très peu de déchets.

Dans le reste du monde, ça va etre plus difficile, énormement plus difficile.

Mais c'est pas nécessairement une catastrophe. Du moin une pire catastrophe que celle qu'on vois tous les soirs a la télé.

De monde se rétrécis et s'aggrandis en mème temps.

Le raprochement de tous, de tout le monde, lié ensemble par nos services de télécommunications, vas éliminer la distance entre nous tous.

Les distances physiques vont encore une fois devenir enorme. Se deplacer va devenir très couteux et prendre beaucoup de temps.

Nos choix doivent etre réaliste et prendre en considération la séparation physique qui s'aggrandit en même temps que le rapprochement de l'information vas nous permettre
de travailler beaucoup plus efficacement lorsque nous arrivons enfin a notre destination.

Ca vas se passer. J'essaie d'éviter que l'on fassent trop de casse en passant.

---- "Lies to Lead Us" par: "Jonathon Dewveall"


Le monde moderne repose sur les épaules de pétrole.

Maintenant que cele ci s'épuise et que l'ère pétrolière viennent à une fin, nous devons changer et mettre fin a notre dépendence.

---- "Lies" par: "Trifonic"
