Wednesday, December 19, 2007

msb-0236 Macro-economics?

msb-0236 Macro-economics?


Feedback comes first, so...

There isn't any.

Okay... I'm sort of fibbing.

Check out Science & the City [ ] the podcast they had last friday (December 14, 2007). They had a discussion on "Daydreaming and Night-Dreaming" which was utterly fascinating. (Yes, it had the obligatory reference to the brain and its functioning. :-)

Meantime, I'm feeling serious, but not too. :-)

---- "She Wants To get Serious - 2007 remix" by: "Hudson Cerone"

Feed Forward comes next, so...

This is "your" segment.

Say "your" piece on this segment.

Share with other MSers whatever "you" want to share.

Drop me an email: "charles at"

And I would apreciate if someone could write a review of this podcast on iTunes [ ] You can just select the link and, eventually, scroll down the iTunes page to "Customer Reviews"


Feed Me comes third, so...

Do you have a therapy, product, good or service that is of interest to MSers?

Consider advertising on this podcast.

Reminders on this segment only cost $0.03 per reminder per download of an episode. (A $30CPM targeted at MSers.)

It can/should lead to a full ad, in text, audio or video, which costs $3.00 per download.

That sounds expensive until you do the math and realize that if nobody downloads it it costs you nothing, unlike print, where you often can't even get an ad in to the specialized journals, or radio or TV where you'd just be wasting your money with the 0.0833% MSers rate of return. (That's about six times "below" the level of "statistical noise".)

But MSBPodcast is 100% in your market, and you only pay per download of your material.

No play, no pay.

Reach the MSers who would buy your therapy, product, good or service, with-out having to waste your advertising money on anyone who is "not" interested...

Send me an email at: "charles (at)"

---- "A Serious Dub" by: "Quantum Soul"


What the heck does economic theory have to do with this podcast?

Fundamentally ... "Everything!"

I could go on about the internet trumping everything that came before it because it operates point-to-point over the entire globe, and much farther than the micro-economic model of broadcast with its limited frequencies, limited access, limited transmission towers and our limited attention spans limiting its overall coverage and creating an economy of scarcity, but I'll limit my belaboring of the obvious.

---- "Serious Comedy" by: "Three Man"


What podcasting, through the internet, creates for the print, audio, video and other potential media is a damn-near free, asynchronous, perfect bit-replication distribution model for content "and" a content "discovery" model through the myriad search engines and web-sites.

Podcasting is perfect for my audience because:
  • they don't have to be there spot on time and
  • paying exclusive attention for however long he 'cast is running, not to mention that
  • they don't need broadcast quality bandwidth to
  • receive broadcast quality content.
What they have "now" is already good enough.

Connection quality and net neutrality aren't factors, since, unlike web streaming which absolutely "requires" broadband, the casts can download as fast as they can and can be enjoyed later, when the audience is ready, where ever on the planet the audience happens to be, and as often as the audience wants to enjoy it.

So much for the technical issues. What we have is already good enough.

Advertising on a podcast has a very "long tail" [ ].

I'm "still" getting downloads of episodes that are over a year old.

That aspect of podcasting is enormously interesting...

---- "Worm Quartet - I Want To Be Taken Seriously As An Artist" by: "The FuMP"


By its very structure, the internet is capable of supplanting broadcast media and does so already "billions of times a day", every ... single ... day.

The only ones who don't realize this are the folks keeping their heads down in the trenches, doing battle with the hundreds of day-to-day problems of running their business and too busy to look up out of the trench to see the bulldozer that is dumping dirt on and entombing them.

While this is a problem for the car manufacturers and beer brewers, it is "not" a problem for the hundreds and hundreds of thousand of drug manufacturers, therapists, specialized vehicle modification shops, bed and mattress makers, house builders, "et alia" who could never dream of affording a spot on the mass media but instead have to rely on word-of-mouth to get the news out about their goods and services.

Likewise, it is "not" a problem for the MSers who 'till now have had to rely on the same word-of-mouth to fill their needs.

Word-of-mouth advertising is the best advertising but the problem with word-of-mouth is that it doesn't scale.

Word-of-mouth doesn't carry any further than the human voice can carry.

That is just too random to be reliably scalable.

You may not ask the right person and/or that other person may not hear you, or that person may be too busy to reply.

You as an MSer may be too preoccupied with coping with the way you've been doing it to realize that there may be an easier, faster, simpler, more comprehensive or cheaper way to cope with the particular, peculiar symptoms of your MS.

---- "Menopause Graduate" by: "Lima Charlie"

I wonder if anybody in the U.S. military saw "any" of this coming when they created the internet?


By the way these episodes are all labeled:
  • Intro
  • Feedback
  • Feed Forward
  • Feed Me
  • Thesis
  • Synthesis
  • Conclusion and
  • Outro
for a reason.

The Intro and Outro segments are positions for pre-roll and post-roll ads and/or reminder ads; the Feed Me segment is for all the internal ads and/or reminder ads.

They can be hosted (that means "me" speaking about the product, [and I won't endorse any product I don't personally use,]) and/or voiced-over (that means that advertisers supply their own choices of voices.)

Since the ads are all "hot" meaning that they carry links to the browser and email programs on your particular Windows or Mac machine, they can launch the browser or email programs when clicked upon in your particular player (which should ideally, but not necessarily, be iTunes.)

If you're getting this 'cast through a browser on your PC, which four of of five of you are, you aren't getting the full benefits of iTunes; but, when combined with the show notes, you can get at all the information almost as easily.

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