Monday, October 20, 2008

msb-0341 Holmes and Watt's son

msb-0341 Holmes and Watt's son

Princess of Nebraska


Disclaimer! Disclaimer! Disclaimer!

MSBPodcast is "not" any kind of a medical podcast.

It is by and for MSers.

Its purpose is to keep us entertained, to explain our symptoms, to remark on our discoveries, and to raise the general consciousness about our disease.

The path to illness is shadowy, murky and rough strewn.

The path to wellness is lit by the lamp of knowledge.


I have a quick and easy, painless and not too figgin' nosy customer survey that I really, really, really need you to go and fill out.

You can go to my podcast "page" [ ], click on the button on the left hand side of the page and anonymously answer a few simple questions.

I really need this.


Feedback comes first, so...

Sorry about the punny title for this episode, but there it is. (And if you don't get it, don't worry. Its a pretty obscure one...)

I'd like to make a prediction and we'll see how it pans out.

---- "Shes on the Money" by: "gamma ray sam"

Feed Forward comes next, so...

This is "your" segment.

Say "your" piece on this segment.

Share with other MSers whatever "you" want to share.

Drop us an email: "charles at"

---- "Money Control" by: "Voide"

Feed Me comes third, so...

You're off the hook until I finish my Communications Degree from St. Peter's College. [ ].

I am not soliciting any ads from anybody until I get my head and hands around running radio station promotions.

Just so you don't thing I've been slacking off, I've got one "Campus Radio" show on classical music three times a week, "ThymeWarp" [ ] and I'm starting another one Tuesdays, "P34k O1l" (Peak Oil).

I'm putting all of my show notes and have direct links to the actual shows on my Wiki at and (Drop by and take a listen if you want to.)

In the mean time, I've been thinking about the current economic crunch and I've got a prediction about what's going to happen macro-economically speaking.

---- "Only in it for the Money" by: "Noel Miller"


The market economy, which all economies fundamentally are, even when screwed with by government beyond the essentials, has been riding the value inflation of a bunch of bubbles since 2001.

I would like to predict that the irrationally exuberant increases that have come to the world, since the coincident creation of the world-wide web by the way, are "all" going to vanish "dans le néant", into "a state of non-being."

---- "Money From The Satisfied Man" by: "Paul Jefferey" http://


I've been reading a lot of wise and learned articles as well as ignorant twaddle and tripe on economics (and "Reaganomics" [ ] is amongst the latter, since its been proven wrong by several critics [look in the Wikipedia article for one of the most concise summaries.])

If we look at the increase in the USs' GDP since 1995, its been running at an average of 3.5% [ and Have fun with the research.].

That means 13 years of compound growth based on nothing but suppositions and flying in the face of the web bubble debacle, the ongoing outsourcing/offshoring debacle, the ongoing melt down of the auto industry, the ongoing real-estate melt down debacle and "the straw that broke the camel's back", the ongoing finance/bank debacle.

That should tell you that the economy has grown over 51% since then ("ceteris paribus".)

If we take into the real growth in the economy, meaning that the web bubble debacle, the ongoing outsourcing/offshoring debacle, the ongoing melt down of the auto industry, the ongoing real-estate melt down debacle and "the straw that broke the camel's back", the ongoing finance/bank debacle are all "minuses," the "fictitious plusses" of the economy are greater than the 51%.

Well guess were the economy is going to readjust to?

The high less the real costs of the web bubble debacle, the ongoing outsourcing/offshoring debacle, the ongoing melt down of the auto industry, the ongoing real-estate melt down debacle and "the straw that broke the camel's back", the ongoing finance/bank debacle.

Our economy is about to contract is real dollar terms by that much. Bernanke and Paulson and the rest have done their best to avoid deflation and depression but some of it is inevitable.

That's what being in a depression means. Its not that everybody's broke and unemployed, they won't be, but its that a lot of people are going to suffer.

And with this disease, we know about phantom pain, and phantom euphoria, as well as real pain and real euphoria.

But we also know something else, the United States economy doesn't know what to do to or for, by, with of from, the aproximatively 15% of its citizens who are disabled and who are disadvantaged by the narrow optics of an economy that ignores everything without a leading dollar sign.

---- "kiss my moneymaker pt1" by: "harri best"


Time will tell if the economy reaches an equilibrium at near 1995 levels (just think of how much the economy had grown since then, kiss it all "bye bye",) before starting on an up trend again.

Something have changed by and because of the introduction of the web, (we now have access to vastly greater stores of data, [and, some might say, of information,] because of Google,) while others are entirely fictional creations and served to pump up the "numbers" of the currency, while doing nothing for the "value" of the currency.

It still does nothing to address the issue of market value for things that are fundamentally only tangentially related to the market (like "Health Care", which is handled like "Health-Don't-Care" here while being properly served in the rest of the industrialized world.)

Until the United States recognizes that simple fact, "all" of it citizens will continue to be screwed over by the marketeers, (since even William F. Buckley got sick and died,) and the concept of market forces.

---- "money" by: "peter, bjorn and john"


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