Tuesday, May 01, 2007

msb-0142 The News from Saint Helena

msb-0142 The news from Saint Helena


---- "Moonlight Piano Sonata, Op. 27, No. 2, mvt. 1 by Ludwig van Beethoven" by: "Ajero, Mario" http://marioajero.blogspot.com/

Feedback come first, so...

Let's see if there was any... Nope.

"Mais qui vient a mon site et/ou a mon podcast de Bruxelles? C'est très étrange."

And to my visitor for Qatar, "Al Salaam a'alaykum"

Damn, the world-wide distribution of this podcast is convincing me that I'd better shit or get off the pot and get that ad off to the "MSInsider". I have over 9,000 downloads.

I also have to figure out how to promote "Herrad"'s shows in the Netherlands. (Any help in that respect would be greatly appreciated.)

---- "Tristezza di Rabbia" by: "Alyssa Hendrix" http://web.mac.com/hxquarter/iweb

Feed Forward comes next, so...

Uhh, nope.

Still no contributions from the readership/audience. (And with so many from all over the world, you'd think that I'd be up to my knees in comments. :-)

---- "Romantic Escape" by: "Jim Richmond" http://www.audiostreet.net/jimrichmond

Feed Me comes third, so...

Do you have a therapy, product, good or service that is of interest to MSers?

Consider advertising on this podcast.

Reminders on this segment only cost $0.03 per reminder per download of an episode. (A $30CPM targeted at MSers.)

It can/should lead to a full ad, in text, audio or video, which costs $3.00 per download.

That sounds expensive until you do the math and realize that if nobody downloads it it costs you nothing, unlike print, where you often can't even get an ad in to the specialized journals, or radio or TV where you'd just be wasting your money with the 0.0833% MSers rate of return. (That's about six times "below" the level of "statistical noise".)

But MSBPodcast is 100% in your market, and you only pay per download of your material.

No play, no pay.

Reach the MSers who would buy your therapy, product, good or service, with-out having to waste your advertising money on anyone who is "not" interested...

Send me an email at: charles (at) MSBPodcast.com

---- "Overture, Suite from Les Fetes" by: "Rameau" at: "Magnatune" http://magnatune.com/

Main Topic: The news from Saint Helena.

"Today Napoleon passed a well formed stool." (I wish I could find the quote and give proper attribution, but Google doesn't know everything!)

He had once been an emperor, this little man who started out as a Corsican corporal.

And he was reduced to reports about shit.

It goes to show that your accomplishments, tinned food, metric system, law (the "Code Napoleon",) conquests of all kinds, over continents, which served as an inspiration to works of fine art, plays and symphonies, can all be ignored and you can be reduced to that most vital of function ("You don't need to be a brain to be a boss, just an asshole") but that which is accessible to all.

Will I become so enfeebled by this disease and the ravages of time and advancing years that I will have to bear the indignities of this aging flesh?

Will I grow old, white bearded and white haired?

Willl I at least grow in stature in the eyes of my contemporaries?

Nahh. I'll be lucky if my retirement doesn't outlast the money I've managed to save up in my last few working years.

Face it... I've got nothing to look forward to any more except increasing disability and my own mortality. Pshew!

---- "con brie " by: "dotCommunism" http://evilresidence.com/dotcommunism

Main Topic, part deux:

So lets party on, dudes and dudettes. Lets party on!

---- "Party Down the Hall" by: "The Stone Coyotes" http://www.stonecoyotes.com/



Miss Chris said...

I've been MIA for about a week but rest assured, I am now up to date on your blog posts.
By the way, you wrote about cognitive function and THAT is the most frustrating symptom I have. Sometimes I feel down right stupid.

Charles-A. Rovira said...

I'm personally bothered by somatic discontinuity (where my body actually is versus where it it is telling me it is.)

But I can't imagine what would going through my head when things that my head was telling me were so, weren't so.

(I can't even express it properly because I don't have any frame of reference. I have never experienced it! [knock on wood.]

Like fatigue. I have been blessed so far with indefatigable energy. [knock on wood again .])

Actually, cognitive disorders are the kinds of of the symptoms of MS that I suspect would be very hard to express.

Could give me some, uh, furinstances.