Saturday, May 19, 2007

msb-0152 Multi-national, multi-lingual podcasting

msb-0152 multi-national, multi-lingual podcasting


----"thought Ide Write " by: "The Moot"

Feedback comes first, so.

Okay, enough from Greece.

The uptake from Homer and the other Greeks is quite pronounced. :-)

---- "Just When I Thought" by: "Teresa James and The Rhythm Tramps"

Feed Forward comes next, so...

You're not talking...

This is your segment, so email me charles (at) (I've almost given up on getting you to "speak" your piece on the widget on the left hand side of the page on )

---- "i thought i was gone" by: "Steffen Coonan"

Feed Me comes third, so...

Do you have a therapy, product, good or service that is of interest to MSers?

Consider advertising on this podcast.

Reminders on this segment only cost $0.03 per reminder per download of an episode. (A $30CPM targeted at MSers.)

It can/should lead to a full ad, in text, audio or video, which costs $3.00 per download.

That sounds expensive until you do the math and realize that if nobody downloads it it costs you nothing, unlike print, where you often can't even get an ad in to the specialized journals, or radio or TV where you'd just be wasting your money with the 0.0833% MSers rate of return. (That's about six times "below" the level of "statistical noise".)

But MSBPodcast is 100% in your market, and you only pay per download of your material.

No play, no pay.

Reach the MSers who would buy your therapy, product, good or service, with-out having to waste your advertising money on anyone who is "not" interested...

Send me an email at: charles (at)

---- "I Thought I Knew You " by: "Julie Harris"

Main Topic: Multi-national, multi-lingual podcasting

Okay ... The songs on this episodes are all about thoughts; so you "know" that I'm thinking about "multi-national, multi-lingual podcasting."

I've managed to put together an aggregation service about MS that spans the globe.

Every continent is represented except Antarctica. (Penguins might also get MS, but they don't have ISPs so they're not downloading the shows.)

Over 11,000, yep, that right, over "eleven thousand", raw downloads of episodes of this show, (over 4,600 downloads via iTunes and/or other podcatchers and over 6,600 via the web) from over 90 countries, have occurred since February of 2006.

Not bad for a show without any promotion except accidental discovery via iTunes searches, Google searches, and word of mouth.

Imagine how this show might grow with some concerted effort, (and some expense on my part,) for some real promotion.

I'm working on the promotion aspect as I write this and it "will" bear fruit for the listener-ship and for the advertising of MS related goods and providers of MS related services.

(How else can we find out who's making what or offering what to us. The mass media certainly can't afford to do it and the MS related good makers and service providers can't waste their scant resources on the mass media.)

The hits have come from 94 countries, (so far,) with the majority coming from the United States, followed by the United Kingdom, Canada, the Netherlands, Greece, Germany, Australia and India, plus a smatering from the other countries.

That tells me that the primary penetration of my audience reflects the world-wide distribution of the English language over the internet. But it also tell me that there is a much wider world out there than the English language.

---- "Bad Thoughts" by: "Kelly Mueller"

Main Topic, part deux:

I have taken my own bilingualism to heart and spread MSBPodcast to the Neatherlands, ("les Pays-Bas,") via "Herads" podcasting, to Greece, via "Homer's" podcasting, and the offers are still open to the French speaking and the German speaking MSers out there, as well as anyone else with something to say on MS and MSers to the other MSers on there.

Just send me the word to charles (at) and we see if we can work something out to get you a mike and some software. (If you're reading this and/or hearing this, I can assume that you've already got some hardware. :-)

I'm trying to avoid the old "I know you think that you understand what you heard, but you don't realize that what I said was not what I meant" arguments by staying well out of the way of the advertisers and keeping them well out of my way.

I have no pretense of journalism and I make no presumptions about my own capacities.

I am just a guy with MS with a world-wide megaphone that only interested parties need tune into, to catch some tunes and some talk about living with this still very mysterious disease.

I just thought that you should know.

---- "Thought You Should Know " by: "Ophelia X"


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